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New Right back atcha. To infinite recursion.
Including the "reverses the accusation" bit, because you're doing that too. Look, it's not my fault you're stupid. That's your choice. You're the side deciding to accuse me of every error you yourselves make instead of getting your own acts together. And if I'm not dumb enough to want to play the game, well, tough shit. Because here's how I exit the loop: I just remind everyone that the way I approach the world works, and the way you approach it is a dismal failure. The proof is in the pudding.

I know you and all others of your stripe are very out of sorts these days, seeing as you're not getting your way in international affairs, and all your ideologies keep getting shown up by events. But reality doesn't give a damn whether you face it or not.

The fact that you're perpetually out of sorts is an indication that you are not on good terms with the universe. Maybe you should budge a little on your side.

For myself, I suffer the usual minor vicissitudes of life, but somehow I manage to stay on top of them all. I've got friends that aren't wallowing in tawdry self pity or spite. I've got employment that is both gainful and meaningful, and if I get bored, I can come online and have some fun. (Well, it's fun for me, at least.) I must be doing something right.

Why is it that the pundits on the right have all the witty remarks and wordplay, while those on the left spew preachy peevish nonsense? It's not just that Dubya is in the White House. It was like this before, when Clinton was in charge. And why is it those on the right get to say "I told you so" while those on the Left struggle to divert attention to something, anything, but the manifest failures of their policies? Because, even when the Left are in power, they're losers. And when they're not in power, they're doubly losers. And sore losers at that.

But no, you've trumped me! You simply go into denial about how well things are going for me and those who think like me, and how badly things are going for your side! You pounce like a starved hound on any vague hint that, for instance, some inveterate liars say bin Laden is still alive, but minimize or ignore the great progess we've made so far. Why suck it up when you can rationalize it away? But denial is no escape. You're still miserable, because you know deep down that you're wrong. You haven't trumped me. You've trumped your own better nature.

Loserhood is a choice. Pardon me if I don't see fit to join you.
DUBYA WAS RIGHT about North Korea.
The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave.
"The US party calls in mortar fire on the enemy positions. The UN party stands up, climbs over the lip of the trench, and recites Robert\ufffds Rules of Order as it approaches the machine-gun positions." - Lileks
New Huh?
You are the one that, when presented with the evidence that small teams and regular police work and drones worked BEST to "get" al Queda operatives..

IMMEDIATELY decided to claim that such was YOUR position all along.

AND that you had advocated a military invasion as a "last resort".

Strangely enough, NONE of your posts could be found or linked to support your claim.

Although a long history of your advocating invasion could be found.

YOU were the one decrying the "ivory tower intellectuals" UNTIL it was shown that you were one of them and I was the one with real world experience.

And why is it those on the right get to say "I told you so" while those on the Left struggle to divert attention to something, anything, but the manifest failures of their policies?
Ummm, wasn't it the current regime that CUT anti-terrorism funding and would NOT deploy the drones that proved so useful during Clinton's administration?

Isn't it Bush who has trouble with UN reports NOT saying what he says they say?

But no, you've trumped me! You simply go into denial about how well things are going for me and those who think like me, and how badly things are going for your side!
We're running a deficit that is LARGER than any while Clinton was in office.

Our troops are being shot at in "friendly" countries over there.

Our country is going BROKE to finance a war against countries that pose no threats to us.

Okay, this is another one of those "prediction" things you don't like from me.

The USofA will NOT recover from this "recession" quickly.

Because things are going good for YOU does NOT mean that they are going good for the COUNTRY.

You pounce like a starved hound on any vague hint that, for instance, some inveterate liars say bin Laden is still alive, but minimize or ignore the great progess we've made so far.
What progress? The experts say that it is harder NOW to catch any operatives than it was before.

Our troops are being shot at. Terrorist bombing attacks are everywhere. We even have a sniper in the US. This is "progress"? Perhaps you can tell me what the casualty count was during the Clinton years?

But denial is no escape. You're still miserable, because you know deep down that you're wrong.
Seems to me that the FACTS support my position.

So much so that I'm able to PREDICT what will happen.

If that is "wrong", then how can it be so accurate?
There you go with that drones shit again.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Priceless! My Gramma Lives..___used to say All that stuff!
Gawd was she morose when her Hero McCarthy finally succumbed to the obloquy of his own clan + liver failure. Which filthy Commie did him in? (SShhh - don't tell her doppelganger about the drinking)

Yup too, her 'side' was the Lone Possessor of Truth\ufffd; all others were Commsymp pinko intellekshal nattering nabobs of negativity -- too !!
(yeah she lapped that one up immediately for her arsenal of boilerplate). Spiro was a pet - one of "those Big Washington Men" who really Knew The Truth. Well.. ol Spiro knew how to fix State contracts, anyways.

And Them! was *her* fav epithet too!! {sniff} why.. it's almost as if she were Right- here Now.. decribin the inner catacombs of all 1023 of her hard-wired neurons. (Yup Them were all stupid too! Why, I can hear her now.)

Gosh it must be Awesome to be the Sole-possessor of The One Truth! amidst mere homo-sap mutant rabble. And ya don't have to deal with rebutting inconvenient factoids neither.. not when yer dealin with The Stupid. Just quote them Big Men and gloat.

Hmmm - nice work if ya can get it. Is it like, kinda - gettin to open the limo door for NWA AND Ice-T? huh huh? (Now That would be meaningful work.)

Just can't bring self to take on the drudgery of illuminating all the other familiar generalities above, like, "you and all others of your stripe" - hey! that's scripted actually as, "you and your kind". You see the trouble you get into when you try to improve on My Gramma's glossary of well-aged cant?

Stick with the Cro-Magnon phrase machine - it's time-tested, consistently megalomaniacal and oozes the kinda smugness which appeals to the tongue-tied - who wish they could say Nothing too; but.. say it smarmier, like.. them National calumnyists and all.

Deja vu is such a *powerful* emotion {bawl} - and here I thought that that kind of pomposity went out when the John Birch folk died out, not long after poor Gramma. Knew that was too good to be true :(
A mindset is a terrible thing to waste.
     Marlowe, any words of wisdom on Nth Korea's nuke pgm ?? - (dmarker) - (40)
         NK to be invaded after discovery of oil there. :) - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
             Not until we have an insurmountable "kim chee" gap -NT - (deSitter)
         Just FYI - (Mike) - (3)
             The timing of the information - (Simon_Jester) - (2)
                 The motive is certainly there - (Mike) - (1)
                     Re: Carter was prez when S.Koreas worst attrocities ... - (dmarker)
         The cheap sarcasm is deafening. - (marlowe) - (33)
             You are soooo funny. - (Brandioch) - (12)
                 Patently unfair - (Mike) - (11)
                     What's fair got to do with it? - (marlowe) - (5)
                         Re: From bizzare to even more bizzare - (dmarker) - (4)
                             Right back atcha. To infinite recursion. - (marlowe) - (3)
                                 Huh? - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                     ROFLMAO - (bepatient)
                                 Priceless! My Gramma Lives..___used to say All that stuff! - (Ashton)
                     Cry me a river. - (Brandioch) - (4)
                         Nexus required? - (Mike) - (3)
                             Re: Nexus required? - (deSitter) - (2)
                                 Oh! - (Mike)
                                 Could it be... - (jb4)
             Re: Dumbo strikes again - (dmarker) - (19)
                 I think ...... - (Mike) - (18)
                     It's called a "link". - (Brandioch)
                     Re: Mike, weare not arguing with your points - (dmarker) - (16)
                         Re: Mike, weare not arguing with your points - (Mike) - (15)
                             Re: This oil question - (dmarker) - (14)
                                 Re: This oil question - (Mike)
                                 Israel and oil - (ChrisR) - (12)
                                     No. They wouldn't. - (Brandioch) - (11)
                                         The Israelis are too involved... - (ChrisR) - (10)
                                             How much aid to we send to Israel? - (Brandioch) - (9)
                                                 Security Council resolution 487. Do you EVER ...... - (Mike) - (3)
                                                     I notice you didn't contradict anything I posted. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                                                         the other 82k resolutions AGAINST Israel - (boxley) - (1)
                                                             Exactly. - (Brandioch)
                                                 Lots of opinion - (ChrisR) - (1)
                                                     It's called a "position". It is supported with "facts". - (Brandioch)
                                                 Re: Israel doesn't manufacture its own weapons. - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
                                                     psst wanna buy an uzi? -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                                         That's a Bingo! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)

The ice cream truck driver in the neighborhood speaks Nadsat.
62 ms