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New Sniper reporting
I'm sick and tired of reading/listening to the media reporting
on the sniper. With each new shooting we are getting the "its far
too soon to tell if its related to the other attacks"...."no wait...
we think it reasonable to assume this is the sniper", "but we should
say that nobody knows for sure", "no wait......we have heard from an unnamed source that this IS the sniper", "no wait.......we still don't know",
"ballistics will be available soon..and then we'll know".
Its as though whether it IS/ISN'T the sniper is THE news.

Well if it IS...that's bad.
If it ISN'T......that's bad.

Not sure what the answer is, but its driving me crazy.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
New Re: Sniper reporting
The police seem to be idiots, unfortunately. They neither protect nor serve. I know there are a lot of very decent and dedicated cops - but law enforcement is just the pits because they've misunderstood the mission. Too much time is pissed away on fake hooker stings and rousting small time dealers and other minutiae. For the Really Big Things they are helpless.
New Mega dittoes!
But, on the other hand, the sniper isn't going to get away with just a fine.

The hookers and others will.

Gotta pay the bills, dude.
New Have to agree...
...that the reporting had gone way over the top with this.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Sniper solution
It seems that they just want to sit back waiting for one more of these to happen, as if the police are defenseless against this.

How about using some of that great spy technology we have to put cameras into the wooded areas near shopping centers, etc. until this guy is caught?

The only way you're going to catch him is for a "witness" (electronic or human) to see him setting up for a kill and report it.

So, you just deploy about 10,000 cameras with battery and wireless broadcast to the woods in "risk" areas, and watch and wait.

And, BTW, don't tell anyone you're doing this. Just do it. If it makes the press, the sniper will find another city.
New Actually....
....I think this is a great idea.

Just playing devil's advocate here:
There are those who value their freedoms/privacy above all else
who would not like this move. I know it sounds weird...but its true.
They would ask ..... "where will it end..... won't someone be able
to justify permanent use of these devices to deter other crime?".

To this I say "Yes" and smile.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
New better solution everyone carry rifles and shoot back
short term casualties go up long term sniper is dead or in jail.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New Re: shoot back?

This person hides somewhere, takes a single shot, then calls it a day. Without more than one shot being taken, it's awfully hard for an individual to focus on the exact direction the shot came from by listening to the noise made by the single shot. I don't know where, but I recall reading years ago that a person requires 2 to 3 shots for their sense of direction to narrow the focus to the correct area relative to where they are when they hear a gun being fired. It's like the first one alerts to to the action, while the rest help you zoom in to the location.
"Four score and seven years ago, I had a better sig"
New Re: shoot back? (slight bad language)
I don't know where, but I recall reading years ago that a person requires 2 to 3 shots for their sense of direction to narrow the focus to the correct area relative to where they are when they hear a gun being fired.

Killing people like this guy has, even hitting people (in the few people who have survived) is an amazing if despicable display of marksmanship.

I don't own a gun, I've never fired one, I'd probably drop any gun (or fall on my butt) when a recoil hit me. I know one person who owned a crossbow. Guns were illegal, but crossbows weren't covered by the laws, and I admire him for that.

I sometimes have violent emotions but I don't (usually) act on them. But this cold-blooded killer, I could shoot or stab this fucker with nothing on my conscience. I don't think this is a violent emotion, just a wish for justice and will someone stop this guy!? For crap's sake, a school bus driver? A kid? A mom?

I dearly hope this guy is killed in a shootout with police, without having to try him, convict him, and execute him (ten or twenty years in the future.) OK call me cynical. Anyone who shoots him in cold blood I hope will not be charged, and if charged with murder, will hopefully be aquitted.
New I hear you
I've let myself be prey to some (admittedly ridiculous)

For example: If I drove down there...and just staked out
a spot of my own.......what would be the odds that he would
pick the same one? A geewhillion-to-one? Okay I'll give it try.
Problem is......I suspect the police could do without me and
a few thousand other renegade vigilante-wanna-be's sitting in the
woods with a variety of weapons.

And then.....there is the question of what would I do if I find him.
I can't just shoot somebody....after all I might be wrong. But he
can shoot me! And of course...there's the person who mistakes me for
the sniper. Anyhow.......its all just mind games. Just thought I would
share that this guy has gotten to me too.

I have fired a hunting rifle on a couple of occasions.
The first time I ever fired one I was
surprised not such much by the strength of the recoil...but by the noise it made. It had to have been the loudest thing I had ever heard. Come to think
of it..I was standing beside my buddy who fired before me. It totally scared the
crap out of me. That's when I first learned why it is that people wear the
headgear at the rifle range.

I was a completely crap as a marksman. I couldn't hit a beer can at 100 yards
using a scope and a tree limb for support. My friend would hit every time.
When I asked him what I was doing wrong he said "stop breathing
and learn to control your heart rate". Made no difference. I was still crap.
One thing I learned from him (and this may seem naive of me) was that rifles don't shoot to the same spot every time...even if bolted solid.
There is a certain tolerance tht rifles exhibit......for example...they might put all bullets within a 1.5-inch square at 100 yards.
The more advanced/expensive your setup....the narrower this tolerance becomes
(unless its me doing the firing).....but it is still there.

Anyhow.....I think I'll stop. Don't know much about rifles. But I wish I did.
That way my fantasy of taking out this shithead at 200-300 yards would seem
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
New Re: I hear you
A round like the one used goes so fast that only a strong wind can deflect it significantly. A rifle is so-called because the barrel has "rifling", spiral grooves that impart a spin to the round. The spinning stabilizies the round along the path of flight via the conservation of angular momentum - that is, a large torque is needed to deflect the otherwise (nearly) constant angular momentum.
New Press "issues"
Agree that press cannot be advised.

Upon announcement that the Predator would be used...all following shootings have come from hiding in wooden areas...not out in the open.

Lets not make it any easier on these guys than it already has been.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Read this book.
[link|http://www.kithrup.com/brin/privacyarticles.html#ts|The Transparent Society.]

Interesting take on the implications of 10,000 battery-operated cameras...
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
     Sniper reporting - (Mike) - (12)
         Re: Sniper reporting - (deSitter) - (1)
             Mega dittoes! - (Brandioch)
         Have to agree... - (bepatient)
         Sniper solution - (gdaustin) - (8)
             Actually.... - (Mike)
             better solution everyone carry rifles and shoot back - (boxley) - (4)
                 Re: shoot back? - (lincoln) - (3)
                     Re: shoot back? (slight bad language) - (wharris2) - (2)
                         I hear you - (Mike) - (1)
                             Re: I hear you - (deSitter)
             Press "issues" - (bepatient)
             Read this book. - (inthane-chan)

Please do not spit too loud, thank you.
84 ms