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New I hear you
I've let myself be prey to some (admittedly ridiculous)

For example: If I drove down there...and just staked out
a spot of my own.......what would be the odds that he would
pick the same one? A geewhillion-to-one? Okay I'll give it try.
Problem is......I suspect the police could do without me and
a few thousand other renegade vigilante-wanna-be's sitting in the
woods with a variety of weapons.

And then.....there is the question of what would I do if I find him.
I can't just shoot somebody....after all I might be wrong. But he
can shoot me! And of course...there's the person who mistakes me for
the sniper. Anyhow.......its all just mind games. Just thought I would
share that this guy has gotten to me too.

I have fired a hunting rifle on a couple of occasions.
The first time I ever fired one I was
surprised not such much by the strength of the recoil...but by the noise it made. It had to have been the loudest thing I had ever heard. Come to think
of it..I was standing beside my buddy who fired before me. It totally scared the
crap out of me. That's when I first learned why it is that people wear the
headgear at the rifle range.

I was a completely crap as a marksman. I couldn't hit a beer can at 100 yards
using a scope and a tree limb for support. My friend would hit every time.
When I asked him what I was doing wrong he said "stop breathing
and learn to control your heart rate". Made no difference. I was still crap.
One thing I learned from him (and this may seem naive of me) was that rifles don't shoot to the same spot every time...even if bolted solid.
There is a certain tolerance tht rifles exhibit......for example...they might put all bullets within a 1.5-inch square at 100 yards.
The more advanced/expensive your setup....the narrower this tolerance becomes
(unless its me doing the firing).....but it is still there.

Anyhow.....I think I'll stop. Don't know much about rifles. But I wish I did.
That way my fantasy of taking out this shithead at 200-300 yards would seem
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
New Re: I hear you
A round like the one used goes so fast that only a strong wind can deflect it significantly. A rifle is so-called because the barrel has "rifling", spiral grooves that impart a spin to the round. The spinning stabilizies the round along the path of flight via the conservation of angular momentum - that is, a large torque is needed to deflect the otherwise (nearly) constant angular momentum.
     Sniper reporting - (Mike) - (12)
         Re: Sniper reporting - (deSitter) - (1)
             Mega dittoes! - (Brandioch)
         Have to agree... - (bepatient)
         Sniper solution - (gdaustin) - (8)
             Actually.... - (Mike)
             better solution everyone carry rifles and shoot back - (boxley) - (4)
                 Re: shoot back? - (lincoln) - (3)
                     Re: shoot back? (slight bad language) - (wharris2) - (2)
                         I hear you - (Mike) - (1)
                             Re: I hear you - (deSitter)
             Press "issues" - (bepatient)
             Read this book. - (inthane-chan)

Nobody has that much Schadenfreude in him.
135 ms