\r\nPersonally, I gauge a feature's usefulness by how long it takes me to start using it.\r\n
- \r\n
- Save Without Preview: immediate. Big win. \r\n
- Show New Forums Only: immediate. REALLY big win. Performance win too. \r\n
- Codes/link translation: immediate. Cool, but not as massively time-saving as the first two. \r\n
- Link targets: eh. I immediately set it to 'same window' and left it. \r\n
- Search: not immediate, but I have used it at least once (to post that link about Ballmer and the X-box in Australia). Useful as all hell when you need it; no-op otherwise. \r\n
\r\nWe *used* to have some regular columnists (*poke* Robert Brewer and Wade)...