. . when I was in high school. The guys who learned to dress, groom and act in strict accordance with the latest fashions were the ones that got dates. Nothing new here except that pervasive advertising media has intesified it for both male and female.
Don't recall reason, self control or spirituality being particularly in vogue back then either, though sports was prominent and cheer leaders were widely suspected of humping the whole football team on a regular basis.
Also recall in grade school girls beating up on boys during those few years when they are comparitively bigger.
Of course, there's the famous lament on how fashion following youth no longer has respect for elders, social norms, religion, etc. etc. - the whole nine yards. Sounds entirely contemporary, except it was written in Egypt during the time of the pyramid builders. Nothing new here - youth has been going to hell since pre historic times.
"Unrestricted feminine"? Courts stacked against men? Can't determine their own destiny? Can't create a stable family or have a stable income? Sounds like a contentious divorce found you'd left too many easy openings.