Methinks that such phrases as 'unrestricted feminine' and also the presumption that there is some agreed-on perfect idea of 'the masculine' - are apt to suffer the same fate as 'Freedom' and 'Liberty': not meaning the same thing to any two people. But when you throw in
While wasting time on such, they fail to learn the basic masculine virtues, i.e. reason, self-control, spirituality.
then you open a whole can of worms, especially in the concept that these three virtues are unrelated to females - or ought not to be.

I believe you are generalizing from personal experience of the unhappy kind, to a model which I don't recognize. I don't see any of these as unalloyed virtues or as properly assigned to either gender, though reason comes close (but can still create pedants).

I agree about the fallacy of 'kicking ass' however.. hey! we're living in a dumbed-down facsimile of a real culture. Just listen to the 'music' on Cee Dees!

Remember too - a mob of men flayed Hypatia; was she too smart for a female to be? Never seen a mob of females ready to burn a library, though I'm sure that some fraus helped in Germany '30s: gotta stand by your man and all.
