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New Girls Kickin-ass in school
60 Minutes report, which concentrated on one school - but other stats (not meticulously detailed) make the case generally. I'd have missed this as magazine programs aren't on my list - but a friend called to mention the topic was coming up:

From elementary on through post-grad, females are outnumbering and outscoring the males now. Males do great at sports; doing well in school is deemed uncool. Still. {surprise}

Some ratios at Hannover HS (sp? - missed locale)

Last 9 yrs - female Valedictorians.
80% in Advanced Placement classes - female.
Yearbook Editors typ. - 0 boys.
0 to v. few boys in biol. classes.

More general quips:

A brief 'interview' of a class of boys (also comments on why sep. of sexes for certain classes is welcomed by [these] boys) - who are sometimes labelled 'homsexuals' by their jock peers, because it IS a separated class.

Generalizations 2002: boys more into 'go with the flow'; girls more goal oriented. Boys seek sports performance (which used-to? still?? attract female attention). In this pop-psych portion: unclear if that ploy is still effective or now more a source of amusement among (many) girls.

Same pattern claimed re law school.

Main theme: should there be affirmative action now, for 'boys'? One teacher observed that both boys & girls are receiving flawed eductions; she could not ID anything in particular which was 'worse' specifically for boys.

'Nother comparison: [the very few] 'genius'-level still favors boys (one hopes this is adjudged with some scheme better than IQ-grading). But at the low-end, the boys are waaay ahead - I didn't catch a number or a more precise categorization for looser-dude.

And so it goes.. Is it just manifestation of the general creeping dumbth? The magnetic attraction of the myth of EZ .com riches via mediocre minds (and certainly via Biz-ignorant mediocre minds) - persisting?

The attraction of golf as substitute for mentation?

Whatever 'it' is: we've got it.

You Go, girl!
(Take a sandwich to the jock with the sign, on the corner..)
New Re: Girls Kickin-ass in school
General trend of indoctrination into the "unrestricted feminine" - boys are trying to be girls, and failing. Vanity, fashion, sensuality, emotionalism, etc. are now all OK for boys. While wasting time on such, they fail to learn the basic masculine virtues, i.e. reason, self-control, spirituality.

Courts are also stacked against men, so the outlook for boys is poor. They see that they will not be allowed to determine their own destiny, create a stable family, have a stable income, etc.

The fact that phrases like "kicking ass" have seeped into the general lexicon is ample evidence of the change. This is one of many false masculine ideals that have replaced the real ones of yore.

The "unrestricted feminine" is a very corrosive force.
New Re: Girls Kickin-ass in school
Methinks that such phrases as 'unrestricted feminine' and also the presumption that there is some agreed-on perfect idea of 'the masculine' - are apt to suffer the same fate as 'Freedom' and 'Liberty': not meaning the same thing to any two people. But when you throw in
While wasting time on such, they fail to learn the basic masculine virtues, i.e. reason, self-control, spirituality.
then you open a whole can of worms, especially in the concept that these three virtues are unrelated to females - or ought not to be.

I believe you are generalizing from personal experience of the unhappy kind, to a model which I don't recognize. I don't see any of these as unalloyed virtues or as properly assigned to either gender, though reason comes close (but can still create pedants).

I agree about the fallacy of 'kicking ass' however.. hey! we're living in a dumbed-down facsimile of a real culture. Just listen to the 'music' on Cee Dees!

Remember too - a mob of men flayed Hypatia; was she too smart for a female to be? Never seen a mob of females ready to burn a library, though I'm sure that some fraus helped in Germany '30s: gotta stand by your man and all.

New I remember 40 some odd years ago . .
. . when I was in high school. The guys who learned to dress, groom and act in strict accordance with the latest fashions were the ones that got dates. Nothing new here except that pervasive advertising media has intesified it for both male and female.

Don't recall reason, self control or spirituality being particularly in vogue back then either, though sports was prominent and cheer leaders were widely suspected of humping the whole football team on a regular basis.

Also recall in grade school girls beating up on boys during those few years when they are comparitively bigger.

Of course, there's the famous lament on how fashion following youth no longer has respect for elders, social norms, religion, etc. etc. - the whole nine yards. Sounds entirely contemporary, except it was written in Egypt during the time of the pyramid builders. Nothing new here - youth has been going to hell since pre historic times.

"Unrestricted feminine"? Courts stacked against men? Can't determine their own destiny? Can't create a stable family or have a stable income? Sounds like a contentious divorce found you'd left too many easy openings.
New Well, how much education do you need . . .
. to grow up to be a smart bomber in Iraq?
New Talk about a non-sequitor
Isn't it an oxymoron to talk about an Iraqi "smart bomber"?

By my definition, anyone who suicides (and whileso murders 200 or more people) is insane. There are "smart bombers", I'll admit. Those who bomb and get away with it. There have not been many of them in the news, lately.

Now by almost any definition the Washington sniper is indeed a "smart bomber", e.g., one who kills, terrorizes, and escapes without, apparently, a trace.
New non sequitur
without the hyphen - literally "not following".
New Is that a grammar police I hear?
New Only Latin. Some things MUST be punished.
New What I meant was . .
. . A U.S. person dropping smart bombs on Iraq.
New not the 200lb hamilton girl kicking the sh*t out of me?
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New Which Hamilton...? ;)
--\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\r\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\r\n* Laval Qu\ufffdbec Canada                   [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New Sharon fron South Cayuga
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New Then wouldn't that be ...
... a smart-bomber over Iraq?
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
New No, I presume . . .
. . by time these kids are of service age, that's were our airbases will be, and the bombers will be unmanned, controlled from a joystick in an underground bunker. Extensive video game experience will be very important for this.
     Girls Kickin-ass in school - (Ashton) - (14)
         Re: Girls Kickin-ass in school - (deSitter) - (2)
             Re: Girls Kickin-ass in school - (Ashton)
             I remember 40 some odd years ago . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         Well, how much education do you need . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (10)
             Talk about a non-sequitor - (wharris2) - (3)
                 non sequitur - (deSitter) - (2)
                     Is that a grammar police I hear? -NT - (wharris2) - (1)
                         Only Latin. Some things MUST be punished. -NT - (deSitter)
             What I meant was . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
                 not the 200lb hamilton girl kicking the sh*t out of me? -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                     Which Hamilton...? ;) -NT - (jake123) - (1)
                         Sharon fron South Cayuga -NT - (boxley)
                 Then wouldn't that be ... - (drewk) - (1)
                     No, I presume . . . - (Andrew Grygus)

Considering that all you're risking is the $15 co-payment, there's no harm in giving him a shot at it.
57 ms