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New I am freaking HOMESICK
Ship and Bird creeks are slowing down following weeks of superb action. Still, fish are being caught in decent numbers, particularly in Bird Creek on the incoming tides. Campbell Creek is off to a slow start but is expected to pick up in the next week or so. Beware of a brown bear near the stream between Lake Otis Parkway and Piper Street.
blocks from my house :(
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New I just got home
I was at Cape Cod.

One day was spent in a little fishing charter.
We caught 6 striped bass, and 30lb apiece.
Since there was NO way I'd make use of them,
I gave 3 to the boat captain and kept 3.

But, we only ate it 1 night (I ate a lot of lobster),
which meant we froze 30 lbs of filets, which no one wanted
and would have rotted on the ride home, which meant
they got thrown out.

So I ended up eating the most expensive fish dinner
of my life.

But it was fun anyway.
     I am freaking HOMESICK - (boxley) - (1)
         I just got home - (broomberg)

Then again, I think our walls are made from the salvaged hulls of exotic alien spacecraft so YMMV.
51 ms