The perfect vehicle for the perpetually in-heat, out there. A lookin fer somethin which moves so's to.. And the poor dears all seem to have facial disfigurements - I guess that's what the Phantom of the Opera masks are for (?)

Well in the olden days - they'd be the Great White Hunters out there. With their \ufffd3000 Weatherby Magnums and scopes -- sippin those G&Ts, offing as many unarmed lions, tigers and other beasts with fur, to hang in the er 'Den' -- as the beaters managed to scare up.

Here's one, Bwana! ... "Naaah I already got 3 today and the Land Rover's full of the skins from yesterday. Let's find a Rhino - that last SOB roared at me..."

Ah well.. nostalgia ain't what it -

Note the paint grenade? I guess.. fer when you haven't got the energy to aim yer very best (?) with the gun. Or maybe for that whole battery o'cameras outside the Soccer arena: gettin ready to pre-sort the rioters as Will run amok, whichever side er loses. Might as well just scan everyone, then match 'em up later.

Perps - they're Everywhere... if'n ya just collect, sort and wait: long enough.

Let's see.. so many decisions; so little time:

Black for the Govt. general data-collection ones?
Puce for the ones outside the Sexual Aids shop!
Yellow for the ones outside the Last Church of Dead Queers, Apostolic
(or like the '30s badges - Yellow for the cameras outside Synagogues?)

Now as for the ones outside Walmart - noticin' all those who aren't boycotting the International fascists yet - dilemma..