Post #56,441
10/13/02 2:26:26 AM

check the french first
arnt they more noted than us for setting booms in your area? On the flip side it is interesting that your first glance is us when the muslim extremists hate you as an extension of the brits and the recent throwin of muslim kids into the sea who were seeking asylum. justa thought? thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane." Lyndon LaRouche
Post #56,451
10/13/02 5:20:15 AM

Re: Just as 9/11 was to you, this is a major event to us ...
If you have a specific point based on a statement I have made please quote it and state your issue. By quoting it I at least will have an idea of what point we are debating (assuming the the intention is to debate it). I stand by all the statements I have made and am perfectly willing to provide the rationale.
If you choose to make glib remarks or post spurious unrelated events to make some vague point, it may well attract intense ire rather than reasoned debate. It can be very hard to second guess someone else's disguised intentions.
We live in delicate times, let us approach this carefully so as to avoid unneccesary poison. Bill, the Brandioch approach is highly recommended at this time.
Doug Marker
Post #56,469
10/13/02 9:45:23 AM

Re: Just as 9/11 was to you, this is a major event to us ...
150 dead, so if your population is 1/20 of the US i.e. about 15 million, then it is even numerically comparable.
What's the population of Australia?
To Ox: Doug's comment was merely a rhetorical way of stating his well-grounded disgust with us - we are so devious and self-aggrandizing that if we did stage a bombing, it would not surprise.
Of course, just because it is rhetoric, does not mean it didn't really happen. The sudden return from the dead of a US pilot sent a chill up my spine - another pretext for starting a war, like the one the Nazis used to march into the Sudetenland and Poland. Why am I, as a loyal and patriotic person, driven to compare my own govt to the most heinous regime ever? Because we are capable of it.
Post #56,471
10/13/02 10:10:22 AM

Re: A good call
But, I am in no way disgusted with 'us' being you or box or other Americans- this seems to be a misguided interpretation of my comments by Box? (& Marlowe, assuming it is human). I asked each of them to quote the offending remark but neither can because there wasn't one.
My remark, if read carefully can be seen clearly as an anti-terror statement but I do also say that I would not be surprised if the attack was a special ops exercise designed to bring Australia on side.
I know that few Americans I have met would do such a thing but as you quite rightly point out, I am wondering about just who did carry it out. Right at this time, the politics are such that Muslim extremeists who are not Balinese hindus, don't really have anything whatso ever to gain from such an attack. Discussing the attack from hard cold rationality is all I am seeking. Marlowe's pathetic diatribe is in no way purposeful other than to fill in white space on paper with black characters. I will debate any statement I make & will stand or fall by the rationality of my case.
Post #56,479
10/13/02 10:45:26 AM

Insufficient data at this time?
I understand your point that there is no apparant muslim political motive. I am also quite aware that the US is not above using provocative agents. It is my experience that surgeons are surgeons because they like to cut. Snipers like to shoot. There are those who just *like* blasts and mayhem. If they can get god, the homeland, motherhood, or some oil company to subsidize it, so much the better. Our handling of 9/11 *should* have been based on investigation, and lawful handling of the perpetrators. As a nation, we have an attention span of a mayfly. So we fucked it up. I would hope that this tradedy is handled better. As in finding out who did it and why and *then* dealing with them in a manner that would stop such persons from doing it again and seriously discourage further actions. At the moment I don't see sufficient data to identify anybody except the victims.
Regards, Hugh
Post #56,540
10/13/02 4:48:13 PM

You're one to talk about glib and vague.
We're not the ones trying to blame Americans for the actions of non-Americans.
Yeah, go ahead and call me a bot again if it makes you feel better. I gather if anyone dares to call you to task for your twisted knee-jerk hatred, then he's a bot. For you to be a bot would be a step up.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave. "The US party calls in mortar fire on the enemy positions. The UN party stands up, climbs over the lip of the trench, and recites Robert\ufffds Rules of Order as it approaches the machine-gun positions." - Lileks
Post #56,562
10/13/02 6:48:42 PM
10/13/02 6:50:31 PM

Re: Another Marlowe 'hit-and-run' with no substance
MARLOWE - quote the Anti-American remark you claim I made - else be branded a liar or a fool that can't read.
Doug Marker

Edited by dmarker2
Oct. 13, 2002, 06:50:31 PM EDT