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New Still suck! ;-)
Last night's game (Packers at the Bears) was great; unless you're a Bears fan.

What surprised me was the fan support. I happened to be out of the room for the Packer's first big play (Driver's TD catch). I heard the crowd roar, so I groaned and rushed back to the TV. Here it was they were cheering for the Pack. It certainly didn't look like much of a home field advantage for Chicago.

Brian Bronson
New Cheeseheads everywhere
Literally. People wearing those silly cheesehead hats invaded our town. I'd say close to half the stadium was packer fans.
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor."
-- Hunter S. Thompson
New I seem to recall something like this at Tampa Bay
IIRC at Tampa's home games versus Green Bay the Tampa fans in the stadium were so outnumbered by Green Bay fans, the Bucs changed how you could buy tickets in an attempt to stop that.

Can't remember the details or how it turned out.

So, is the most frightening halloween costume in the Chicagoland area a Brett Favre mask? ;-)

Brian Bronson
New Re: halloween mask
If it isn't it should be. He seems like he just can't be stopped (when playing the Bears).
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor."
-- Hunter S. Thompson
New It's payback for McMahon and the '80s
New Heehee, couple like that in Cincinnati
The Steelers, Browns, and (to a lesser extent, but I don't know why - it's certainly a shorter drive) Colts fans all rush down here to Cincinnati for their (almost-guaranteed) victory.

Once upon a time there were some serious rivalries in the AFC between the Bengals and several other teams, but now it's more like a WWF match - you know who's going to win, you just don't know exactly what moves they're going to make in winning.
     Da Bears! - (Silverlock) - (9)
         You musta loved their new training camp - (wharris2)
         Cowboys - (ChrisR) - (1)
             Re: Cowboys - (Yendor)
         Still suck! ;-) - (bbronson) - (5)
             Cheeseheads everywhere - (Silverlock) - (4)
                 I seem to recall something like this at Tampa Bay - (bbronson) - (3)
                     Re: halloween mask - (Silverlock) - (1)
                         It's payback for McMahon and the '80s -NT - (bbronson)
                     Heehee, couple like that in Cincinnati - (wharris2)

Yeah! Coterminous!
39 ms