Happened to a friend of my sister Suzanne.
He had two cars. One of them a rather nice sports car that he didn't use most of the time. One night he was using it. Noticed that he had breezed past a police car doing well over double the speed limit. Soon noticed the police car disappearing in the distance. Also noticed that he was on a long interstate with no exits, and didn't have a hope in hell of getting away with this.
He ditched the car. Hitchhiked home.
Next morning a nice officer came to his door. "Do you own a ____." "Yes, why?" "Were you driving it last night?" "No, why?" "It was seen on I-5 doing 140 mph..." He runs down to his garage and asks the officer if it is OK. "Oh it is fine. Some kids just took it out for a joyride."
This related to me as we were sitting in a car waiting for the nice officer to finish writing her her first speeding ticket in years. :-)