Some of us a merely pointing out that many claims made about Iraq are either mistakes, are deceptions or plain lies.

I haven't seen one person here argue that Saddam is not a thuggish dictator deserving of a swift visit to Allah. The arguments have been mostly about the claims as to why at this time US can justify a *unilateral* attack when there is clearly worldwide and UN opposition to a war call.

The republicans are playing with the facts & truth. They don't have UN backing - hence the hints that the UN will be sidelined unless the scurity council 'rolls over'. I know bare faced threats when I hear them - I hope you do too.

Bush keeps claiming to speak on behalf of the world - *a bare faced lie*.

Bush says he has a coalition. Again a complete distortion in that he has Italy and UK whoose PMs both do *not* have the support of their own countries other than to act through the UN. Australian PM has offered Bush support but the vast majority of Australians are telling Howard that it must be through the UN.

When a president keeps lying, the world is a dangerous place - some of us begin to wonder who the bigger threat to peace is and as awful as it sounds, Bush's lack of facts & justifications paints an awful picture of his administration & in turns puts the whole US in a bad light in the world.

But what the f*** as I said before when you are the only superpoer f*** the rest of the world & that seems to be the republican mantra based on their actions.

