I am still as hairy as ever, loss of testosterone will cause hair loss, of which I have not had none.That's not quite the way it works.
Male pattern baldness is associated with the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. If you've got a low testosterone level, you're less likely to have hair loss by that mechanism. In short, being hairy is not an indication that you've got plenty of testosterone.
More [link|http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/4ec06.htm|here] - a news blurb about Propecia:
Hair count increased during the first year and was maintained in those men taking Propecia for 24 months. Men in the placebo group continued to show progressive hair loss. In an analysis of the men who were followed for up to two years, only 17 percent of men treated with Propecia demonstrated hair loss (defined as any decrease in hair count from baseline); 83 percent had the same or higher hair count. In contrast, 72 percent of the placebo group lost hair, as measured by hair count.
In clinical studies, side effects were uncommon and did not affect most men. A small number of men reported less desire for sex, difficulty in achieving an erection and/or a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these effects occurred in less than two percent of men. These side effects went away in all men who discontinued therapy because of them and also disappeared in 58 percent of men who chose to continue taking Propecia.