Post #5,362
8/15/01 10:38:42 PM
cameras again
here is a GOOD use of such invasion of privacy [link||[link||http://dailynews.ya...10815_1.html]] how about strip clubs? or even Churches to see who really shows up on Sunday Morning, maybe the IRS could use those tapes to see if the donations claimed might be excessive or if a church really has services or is a tax scam. THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA! thanx, bill
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #5,436
8/16/01 1:27:49 PM
We're going to be getting cameras in Seattle.
Dictator Schell, in his never ending quest to "civilize" Seattle, has unilaterally decided that cameras should be deployed all over downtown, similar to the system in Florida.
Oh, they're going through all the motions, the hearings, the committe, but it's all a load of Bull - the cameras will go up!
"What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have recieved the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output."
Post #5,438
8/16/01 1:39:40 PM
Horsely's Horseshyt
"[I]f you do hold the present peace and security of the 'mothers' at higher value than the life of the child, if you hold such a confused and evil value system, make no mistake about it: to the people who created [link||] you are the enemy \ufffd " Mr. Horsely: Make no mistake about it... I am the enemy!
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #5,457
8/16/01 3:58:45 PM
Trolling again, Bill? Was that 'GOOD' er___ satire?
Right.. back to the "zygotes are Citizens" again. Doggerel for the masses, especially for the Righteous masses - remember? the ones who Know God\ufffd and are Certain that She is on My Side\ufffd and
fuck the adult Citizen-host of this tentative.. possible (if several thousand things go perfectly) brand new Repo - destined to come out Just Like Me
Gosh it's all so simple when you can Care so very Much about 'Life' while it's nascent: but really wanna off the fuckers on death row, save the $$ for the DNA tests - just get on with Killin' em. Sacred 'life' and all..
It is to laugh. Or was - now it's just daily reminder of our nearness to the mouth of that primordial cave..
Life! One thing you don't get out of alive.
Post #5,502
8/16/01 9:13:07 PM
hows about cameras in front of sporting houses and churches
and software recog goin full blast done by the local paper and printing software matches. As you can see by one response cameras are an fscking intrusion. Free spray paint at the oxley home. thanx, bill
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #5,561
8/17/01 1:14:01 AM
One thing the military-addicted kiddies brought us though -
Finally an adult use for paint-ball guns! Much more appropriate than wide-angle short range cans..
Ethical choices everywhere - I wouldn't paint-ball a red-light jumping monitor: those bastards kill people with their juvenile impatience and, those cameras operate only with That trigger. Not an invasion of privacy. Apprehension of a perp. ('cept when the Windoze s/ware needs rebooting o'course ;-)
But the more there arise municipal ones with database connections... Well.. it may not initially evoke the fervor of all those people marchin for the First time ever, about Vietnam and all, but after a few folks are burnt by a Bad photo-ID prompting mayhem --
Gawd we are so often gulled by Techno- insanity. Just because you Can: We Will til someone sues.
Post #5,593
8/17/01 9:34:53 AM
Another great idea, Ash!
Finally an adult use for paint-ball guns! You always seem to be one step ahead.
jb4 Resistance is not futile...)
Post #5,688
8/17/01 5:42:11 PM
Not original.. forget where I first heard the idea
Maybe in the interminable thread with the theme, if'n the govmint doesn't Say ya got a Right: Ya don't got it.
Safe bet though - if more municipalities take the Mickeysoft approach to effortless Soft-Thinking\ufffd on this matter:
Good idea to buy stock in these suppliers.
God is on *Our* Side
Post #5,717
8/17/01 10:36:08 PM
I mentioned paint ball's use in Charlotte, NC
We have about 30 intersections with cameras to catch folks running red traffic lights. Automated traffic tickets follow to owner of car.
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel. -- Anne Frank
Post #5,665
8/17/01 3:42:38 PM
The ultimate in civil defense camera strikes.
Post #5,684
8/17/01 5:34:03 PM
Cackle... priceless 'buggy' for the buggy..
The perfect vehicle for the perpetually in-heat, out there. A lookin fer somethin which moves so's to.. And the poor dears all seem to have facial disfigurements - I guess that's what the Phantom of the Opera masks are for (?)
Well in the olden days - they'd be the Great White Hunters out there. With their \ufffd3000 Weatherby Magnums and scopes -- sippin those G&Ts, offing as many unarmed lions, tigers and other beasts with fur, to hang in the er 'Den' -- as the beaters managed to scare up.
Here's one, Bwana! ... "Naaah I already got 3 today and the Land Rover's full of the skins from yesterday. Let's find a Rhino - that last SOB roared at me..."
Ah well.. nostalgia ain't what it -
Note the paint grenade? I guess.. fer when you haven't got the energy to aim yer very best (?) with the gun. Or maybe for that whole battery o'cameras outside the Soccer arena: gettin ready to pre-sort the rioters as Will run amok, whichever side er loses. Might as well just scan everyone, then match 'em up later.
Perps - they're Everywhere... if'n ya just collect, sort and wait: long enough.
A. Let's see.. so many decisions; so little time:
Black for the Govt. general data-collection ones? Puce for the ones outside the Sexual Aids shop! Yellow for the ones outside the Last Church of Dead Queers, Apostolic (or like the '30s badges - Yellow for the cameras outside Synagogues?)
Now as for the ones outside Walmart - noticin' all those who aren't boycotting the International fascists yet - dilemma..
Post #6,133
8/21/01 4:15:21 PM
Better be checking IDs when you hand out that paint
Here in Milwaukee - a place deficient in scofflaws - it is illegal to give or sell spray paint to a minor.
White guys in suits know best - Pat McCurdy
Post #6,224
8/22/01 2:13:19 AM
Re: Better be checking IDs when you hand out that paint
If it weren't so late, I'd rant. Consider me ranted and fill in the blanks
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #6,284
8/22/01 10:18:06 AM
No need to check IDs--just put cameras in the paint store :)