...in everyday life.
I've had this idea floating around in my head about the three branches of "life" - and for some reason, your post made me think of it. In a (vastly oversimplified) view of the world, there are three "branches" of society which deal with three needs:
1. Body - The entity (AKA Government) is responsible for providing the basic framework of society - the business of guaranteeing basic necessities for survival. Note that what is essential for survival varies from culture to culture - 2000 years ago, clean water, some land, and a hut was about it - these days, it's medical care, proper nutrition, food, housing, transportation frameworks and communications, possibly including power. This doesn't mean that the "Government" has to produce said items - just that it should guarantee reasonable and efficient access to those items.
2. Mind - This "entity" (AKA Economy) is responsible for providing material goods that are not "required" for survival, but are not "free" to everybody - basically "luxury" goods.
3. Soul - This "entity" (AKA Religion, but including agnosticism and atheism) is specifically for dealing with the metaphysical questions - why are we here, and now that we're here, what should we do with our lives?
So, what's so important about these distinctions? Well, I think that each "entity" is more efficient at providing the kind of "goods" that it is originally from - and that the philosophy that works for one "entity" does not work so well for another. Government trying to run business and establish religion == Bad. Business manipulating government and twisting religion for commercial means == Bad. Religion dictating law and running a business == Bad. This is all IMO, but there are plenty of examples out there...
This is just a random seed of thought put out by some guy who hasn't had enough sleep in a few days, so it may not be too clear - but if somebody knows what I'm saying, then feel free to translate for everybody else.