Forget how ridiculous *that* notion is on its face. F-them, nobody except Israel in the region is a real ally anyway. Better to bring problems to a boil now than let them fester.
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
Completely demolishes every single point made. I bow before the superiority of your logic.
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor." -- Hunter S. Thompson that nationalism in the Islamic world will overcome American military power (I hesitate to call the chickenshits in DC Americans), the way it happened in Vietnam. The mind-numbingly stupid people in power here think 900 years of violent history can be ignored, just as they ignored 2000 years of civil war in SE Asia.
The Cheneys and Rumsfelds of the country want ongoing, continuous, Orwellian warfare.