If my parents told me right, the Nazarene's are split off of the Methodist church.

True to the Methodists, at least ones I know from Perkins Theological Seminary (an institution that severely needs to be reformed), the Methodist church about 1900 decided that the virgin Mary didn't necessarily "have" to be a virgin, even though the Bible clearly documents the virgin birth.

The conservative Methodists were upset with this interpretation of scripture (as they should have been), and split off to become the Nazarenes.

I'm relatively certain of this history, because my mother's grandfather was a Nazarene pastor in the 1910's and 1920's.

Now for the SMU/Perkins part. How would you like to attend a seminary to become a paster with multiple known homosexual paster/teachers (who actively involve in campaigns to discredit the accuracy of the Bible) and with your OT studies instructor being a devout Jew who tried to convert you back to Judaism? Tough place. At SMU, where Perkins is located, they even have a homosexual cheerleading squad. At a church school? I could see this at the University of Texas, or Southwest Texas State University ( a Texas party school ).

BTW, the insanely liberal theology of the pastors from Perkins (located in Dallas/Ft. Worth, where I live), is precisely the reason I'm now a Southern Baptist.