Not like I was keeping it a secret from you guys. I just followed the rest of you here from the InfoWorld Forums. I expect a lot of you already have my psychological profile and can predict the next time my depression kicks out a cycle or two. :)
Cable on IWE, to Cable4096 on Ezboard. Then Nking on Ezboard, then Orion Blastar, then couldn't make up my mind, accidentally logged in as one of my older accounts, was Nking again. Orion, etc. The got to ZIwe and here I am now. Just don't ask me about my IWETHEYTWiki acounts. :) Right now the only one that works is NormanKing, and it is the only one I use. Of course on some areas of the Internet or BBSes, they think that my real name is a handle. Go figure!