Eurethra! it worked..
Good show, Scott. Feel less like a vandal from Redmond now..
Hmm - no wordwrap.
Can't try it on W98 as it has eaten itself - esp the built-in IE, so necessary
to the OS's performance. Friend tried to delete some AOL, Disney, MSNBC horrors,
liberally spewed all over the HD. (Guess it's reassuring that it IS the same old POS
with just more built-in redirects to M$ sites.)
This whole ^%#^@# technology serves one prime purpose:
the utter wasting of time wholesale, in gratuitous reloading
of 1000 files - because any one might be the culprit.
Gawd - how many days to reload W2K The Expen$ive Pro-Am Servile Edition ??
mumble, moan &%*^# M$ *CRAP* - glad Peter likes it, but...