Believe me, I do not insist on it
I insist on alternatives to Wincrap. If it was up to me, I'd use Linux and Postgres SQL, and then use QMAIL for an email server, and then use SAMBA to let the Windows 98 workstations connect to the server. The Nurses won't know the difference as the program will still work the same, only a little faster and the server will not crash as much or need as much tweaking. Plus it would not cost as much for the server licensing. Plus we could wean them off Windows one at a time, and do it in Java with JBDC instead of VB and ADO with ODBC. As long as it looked the same, and generated the same reports, how are they going to know? They apparently cannot even tell the difference between "Missing Surigcal Tools" and "Unused Surgical Tools" in a tray, how the f*ck would they know the difference between a Windows 98 Client with a SQL Server backend and a Linux client running Java with a Postgres SQL backend running on another Linux machine with a local Postgres database for caching the local backups?
[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]