As evidence for the notion that your mental processes are molded by Doctor Who, I submit the fact that you have repeatedly shown a poor grasp of causality. Watching too much time travel fiction will do that to a susceptible mind.

"A" (watching time travel fiction)
"B" (a poor grasp of causality)
If "B" is noted, "A" is present.

"A" (a hot stove)
"B" (burns)
If "B" is noted (burns), "A" (a hot stove) is the cause.

But the burns were caused by dropping a candle, not a stove.

It seems that you are the one that has a problem with causality since your example is easily disproved.

But then, your political statements ("Everything's Clinton's FAULT!") is proof enough that your viewpoint is more than slightly off.

Well, what do you know, an ivory tower intellectual got hissel bested in basic logic my me-self. Hyuck hyuck hyuck.

Who'd a thunk it pozzible.