you mean there isn't a Calendar Plug-In for TWiki yet? The shame, the shame! :)
Instead of Outlook, consider making a [link||"Private Yahoo Group"] and then use their built in Calendar, make a hard to guess password and only give it to employees and tell them not to give it out. Yeah yeah, I know, yahoo s*cks, but whadda you do if you don't want to use Outlook but need a Calendar app?
Another thing that you could do, is write a custom VB or VC++ App to use the Outlook object to use the Calendar part, and then Outlook would not futz with the default email settings. But, ah well, it would be interesting. I think I have more info at that [link||TWikiWord MicrosoftVBAProgramming] if you didn't already delete it. Click on the Slipstick Outlook info, or search for it on the MSDN at Microsoft.