Post #51,802
9/15/02 11:16:04 AM

Attack the source
Gently nudge them to a different calendering app. Use their despite for the email as a selling point.
"Logic is a wonderful thing but doesn't always beat actual thought." -Terry Pratchett
Post #51,905
9/16/02 12:35:05 PM

That's a wonderful suggestion...
...could you suggest an alternate calendaring app? The field seems thin.
Among the contenders here: FileMaker and Act! (we use FM for other uses, and could build calendaring into it). I've done some brief scans for other solutions with no good results. There are some Linux-based HTML shared calendar solutions, which are among the stronger choices out there. Third party offsite solutions are a non-starter.
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] [link||[link||]] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand? [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.
Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead. [link||[link||]]
Post #51,929
9/16/02 3:26:37 PM

Wish I could
We use Outlook at my business. Did a quick search on Google for "shared calendar" and got [link||this]. I seem to remember something from a few years back called calendar creator plus. I don't know if it is still in busieness or if it has a sharing capability. The people who used it raved about it though.
"Logic is a wonderful thing but doesn't always beat actual thought." -Terry Pratchett
Post #51,973
9/16/02 9:03:04 PM

Shared Calendars
Oh heck, I wrote a damn Docket Calendar for the Greedy Lawyers I used to work for. It is so good, they are using it today and letting someone else support it instead of me. The only thing I could not do in it is use recurring dates, but with a lot of research and time I could do that.
One calendar looked interesting, but it was no longer supported. It was at the top of your Google search, and it is archived at [link||Web.Archive.Org for] and you can download the source from them. Lot of good it is going to do you, eh? Maybe I can write something that people can use and port it to different languages? I still have my skills, even if I don't have the source code to the Docket Calendar that I wrote. Still I wouldn't do it in ASP, that is just too damn well slow. They are trying to convert it to ASP.NET, but I think that it could very well be faster in Java, JSP, or even Perl. But they are a MS shop, and that goes without saying.
[link||"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
Post #51,932
9/16/02 4:12:34 PM

what about this one?
would [link||Time & Chaos] work?
Post #51,957
9/16/02 6:40:16 PM
9/16/02 7:36:32 PM

This post intentionally...
[Edit: dupe post, content snipped.]
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] [link||[link||]] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand? [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.
Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead. [link||[link||]]

Edited by kmself
Sept. 16, 2002, 07:36:32 PM EDT
Post #51,975
9/16/02 9:26:46 PM

You are retentive... DOOD!
greg - Grand-Master Artist in IT, -- [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!]
Your friendly Homeland Security Officer reminds: Hold Thumbprint to Screen for 5 seconds, we'll take the imprint, or Just continue to type on your keyboard, and we'll just sample your DNA.
Post #51,961
9/16/02 7:06:21 PM
9/16/02 8:14:42 PM

All I want to know is are you offering calendaring SW...
...or offering me a date ?
BTW, I've been updating the TWiki [link||ApplicationsCalendaring] page w/ suggestions from here and elsewhere.
OK, I've d/l'ed the demo version and am running it on XP under VMWare. Seems pretty decent for a standalone application. Talks to Eudora, which is a plus. No bulk licensing that I can find, which may be an issue. Then again, it may not.
Question: did you just turn this up in a search, or are you actually using the tool?
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] [link||[link||]] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand? [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.
Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead. [link||[link||]]

Edited by kmself
Sept. 16, 2002, 08:14:42 PM EDT
Post #51,965
9/16/02 8:04:56 PM

I cannot tell you if Time & Chaos is a good shared calendaring solution or not as I've not tried it (yet), but if you applied time and chaos to a date, I'm sure the results would be interesting to say the least. Hmmmmm....
BTW, there are a few other calendaring solutions out there, but most are limited to single user, non-shared environments. Time & Chaos does allow sharing of calendars, but it looks like it is limited to 'doze and PDAs.