After fighting Ruskies OBL's funded group sought to send trained militants to all major & some minor theatres where muslims were fighting.

They were sent to Bosnia & were instrumental along with US special ops people, in training & fighting for the Bosnian army against the Serbs (and at times Croatians). [link||One example report]
They were sent to fight in Algeria.
They were sent to train locals in Somalia.
They were sent to Chenenya and to Georgia.
They were sent to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan & Tajikistan. [link||Central Asia]
They were sent to Kashmir.
They were sent to Palestine.
They were sent to Kosovo then Macedonia.
A few were sent to Ambon (but much of that trouble was home grown).
Some were in the Philipines & Malaysia planning terrorist activities.

I tend to think the Palestinians were emotionally high on Al Queda list but in military terms agree they were just one of many focus points, perhaps not an afterthought.

