Post #50,964
9/7/02 9:57:42 AM

Thoughts After 361 Days
Did I tell you guys about my precogintive dream about the Trade Center? Basically I had a dream in which I was scampering from floor to floor in a dimly lit building in which everything is covered up with grey, chalky dust, and there are mangled, colorless people everywhere. Finally I come to a floor and spot a maroon object moving - a baby burned from head to toe, writhing in pain but mute. As I recognize this, it reaches out for my ankle and I can read its thoughts. It wants help.
I was so disturbed by this dream that I told my date about it the night before the attacks. I remember being stunned at the sight of New York covered in grey, chalky dust.
The strange thing is, there is no way I could have put this in the right context - so is it really information? Time is very strange. You can't predict things until they've already happened.
Praying for peace these days.
Post #51,027
9/8/02 2:23:37 AM

I don't know what to tell you
about that, except that you could be tuned into the future for your dreams.
I could tell you about some of mine, but would you believe me? Some are weird, and others only possible futures.
One dream I had, I had moved back into my parent's house after I could not find work, you took a bus to meet me there because we both worked at the same place. I went out to meet you, and found that my car was missing. We both couldn't make it to work, and thus both got fired.
I had dreams about a mall getting attacked with a biochemical agent, I had dreams about downtown St. Louis getting attacked and I ended up on a bus going to a hospital because the one near us downtown got blown up somehow.
I had dreams about someone putting poison into the water supply, and millions dying.
I had a dream where I got sick, and went into a coma and woke up as a "Frankenstein's Monster" 50 years later because that is what they had to do to save my life. My wife had died, and I had a new wife. It was now the United States of Arabia, and the Republicans had converted to the Muslim faith, took control of the Government, plotted with Saudi Arabia and Iraq to do the 9/11 attacks, and then use Marshall Law to slowly take control of the USA. As a Frankenstein Monster, I was a third class citizen, women were second class citizens, and men who were Muslims were first class citizens. Women only got half a vote, and we Frankensteins didn't even get one. The problem with being a Frankenstein Monster was that the heart didn't work too well, and we had memory problems and certain parts of us didn't work too well (Figure it out, blood is used to, er ah, expand a body part for something) so women married us to take care of their kids, etc not for er ah, other stuff.
[link||"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
Post #51,033
9/8/02 2:35:59 AM

Sell the TV (and the games), curtail web surfing..
Post #51,044
9/8/02 2:12:28 PM

Heh heh
what if I am correct in my dream, and this stuff actually is happening? Maybe it is a warning from God?
[link||"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
Post #51,103
9/9/02 12:05:21 PM

Precognitive dreams
Dreams are a lot of time things we worry about, mostly irrational.
I dreamt that I was looking at a computer mainframe hex dump etched into Onyx (like the Vietnam memorial), infinitely high and infinitely wide. I could not get over or around it. It was unsolvable. At the time, I was working on a dump I couldn't solve at work.
Several times, I've dreamt that I didn't really graduate from high school (even though I graduated from college), and I'm this 20-30 something guy sitting in a chair in my old high school, taking a test on something I can't remember.
When I was a kid, I dreamt that a giant chasm opened beside my bed and the someone was at the bottom, mocking me, daring me to jump across. I needed to get to the other side, but the chasm was too wide to jump. So I remember being told to jump by some higher spiritual power (not the guy at the bottom) and I remember arguing "I can't do this!". So eventually I jumped and it was like angels lifted me across the chasm and placed me safely on the other side.
Sometimes people dream about things like being blown up or burned in a building without it being very specific about "which" building, then something like 9/11 happens.
So, deSitter, are you saying that you dreamed specifically about the WTC? And the city you saw in the dust was actually New York?
Maybe you're a prophet.... (Smile)
Post #51,116
9/9/02 12:48:58 PM

Back when I had time to sleep . .
. . I had a great many vivid dreams, many of which I recorded in detail. A favorite, though was a very early one from high school age.
I was building a short wave receiver. Remember, this was the days of vacuum tubes and winding your own coils. Owning a chassis punch for tube sockets was nearly impossible because Greenlee wanted so much money for them (finally relieved when Calrad started importing cheap punch sets from Japan).
Anyway, the radio wasn't working and I was having a very hard time finding the problem, and worked on it until after 2:00am. Finally gave up and went to sleep.
In my sleep, I dreamed about taking the thing apart and finally locating a bad ground that was causing the problem, then putting it all back together again, and having it work.
Then I woke up, and went through the whole process again, dissassembly, correcting the problem, putting it back together.
Then I really woke up, and found myself facing the whole arduous process for a third time. By this time I was so damned tired of it I left it for another day. As you might expect, when I got back to it, the dream fix didn't actually work that well anyway.
Post #51,122
9/9/02 1:35:15 PM

So lemme get this straight...
you had a dream about having a dream...?
What was that sig: "To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion"?
jb4 "About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. " -- Edsger W.Dijkstra (1930 - 2002) (I wish more managers knew that...)
Post #51,135
9/9/02 4:48:37 PM

Yep, I've had them, too
By the third time you "wake up" you start getting a little freaked out, wondering if you should bother getting up or not.
=== Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #51,137
9/9/02 4:59:05 PM

Anybody else remember this film?
There was an animated short about some guy who kept waking up, starting to go about his daily routine, and then would realize that he was in a nightmare, start screaming, and then "wake up" all over again, each time progressing slightly further in his day before the screaming started.
The last sequence (where he actually is awake) has him standing outside his building, screaming his lungs off because he can't see a single person. (Of course, that's because they were all hiding behind the other buildings nearby, specifically from him.)
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #51,148
9/9/02 6:48:43 PM

Groundhog Day?
jb4 "About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. " -- Edsger W.Dijkstra (1930 - 2002) (I wish more managers knew that...)
Post #51,202
9/10/02 10:57:53 AM

Re: Groundhog Day?
If you're thinking of the Bill Murray flick, then nope. It was an animated film. We have these festivals of animation that come 'round every year - haven't been to one in a while.
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #51,184
9/10/02 6:33:21 AM

Memento? That was trippy...
Post #51,203
9/10/02 10:58:29 AM

That was indeed trippy...
...but it most definitely was not Memento, trippy as that film might be as well...
And no folks, I don't remember the title either.
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #51,134
9/9/02 4:36:37 PM

Re: Precognitive dreams
I think it's pretty clear
0) Being in a ruined building 1) Running floor to floor 2) No color, only chalky dust 3) No sound or motion 5) Mangled bodies, particularly heads and torsos 4) A burned baby (innocence)
Again, this was the very night before the attack, and I mentioned it to my date, something I don't do on dates (i.e. talk about my own dreams). It was the chalky dust covering everything that was the spookiest, because that was only made possible by the pulverization of the concrete floor slabs in the towers. An ordinary catastrophe doesn't produce widespread ashfalls.
And again, it would not have been possible to correlate this with the actual event beforehand. It's not like the dream is a video of the coming event.
A similar thing had happened about a year earlier. In the dream, I hear an airplane in distress approaching closer and closer in a dense fog - I can't see it but then hear a deafening explosion. A few days later, the governor of our state died a few miles from my house in a plane crash in heavy fog and drizzle, and the description by witnesses matched the dream exactly.
A prophet? Of course not. But a lot of weird stuff seems to happen to me.
What's the explanation? For one thing, time is evidently not what we naively assume. For another, there must be some way of symbolically perceiving the future, even if we can't see it like a video. For months before the attacks, I would be looking at the buildings of downtown St. Louis and imagining what would happen if an airliner plowed into one. I could not understand why these thoughts kept spontaneously popping into my head. The airport is well away from downtown, the highest building is only about 650 feet, and there is an infinitesimal chance of an airliner hitting one. Once there was a very loud noise downtown, and I looked up at the Mercantile Bank building for the hole I was sure I would find - it was nuts. For months before the attacks I was extremely edgy and startle-prone - since the attacks I've been my old self. I can only interpret this to mean I "knew" what was coming even though of course I was not conscious of it - nor could I be in principle, I think. It's only afterward that you know, and that is the strangest thing of all.
Post #51,159
9/9/02 8:23:24 PM

Dreams, dreams, and more dreams
I had a weird one the other day. I was at a cathedral (I was convinced it was something like St. Patricks') located within a large area within a skyscraper ruin which I was also convinced was the ruins of the World Trade Center, but remarkably intact. I mean, the thing was intact enough to contain an entire cathedral within an atrium somewhere. Someone threw a magical shoe at me and I threw it back, causing the cathedral to collapse (I didn't say this made any sense).
Precognitive or just damn weird?
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
Post #51,174
9/9/02 11:31:53 PM

Interpretations - 5\ufffd___The Doctor is ___IN
The presence of an entire cathedral within a sorta-ruined / restored WTC suggests: in dreams, 'Big' is indistinguishable from 'Bigger'. The 'magical shoe' indicates: either Big Thing is / was a mere illusion. Tested and found so.
Obviously this is a message from the Collective Unconscious, material for a koan on the ephemeral nature of all 'daily appearances' in the maya.
Think nothing of it. If it's Revealed Truth then perhaps you are not receptive. Seconds are never guaranteed. If it's revealed illusion - then a next similar view may feature ~
a green bunny wearing a hat with a card labelled, "10 / 6 In This Style", possibly with Zippy looking on.. in a field of frozen peanut butter. There may be Arabic symbols.
The Doctor