> > ...making the ".Menu a" elements block-level
> Tried it. Like it. Great idea.
Next trick: Now that the "a" element is block-level, you should be able to set padding and margin on it, instead of on the containing div. If you set padding: 0px on the .Menu and "padding: 0.25em 2em; margin: 0px; width: 100%;" on the ".Menu a" you should get the highlight on the links to fill the whole block horizontally. That's what I meant before by better readability; the highlight doesn't just fit the text, it fills the whole block.
> h*
I would leave it then. I just prefer the h* since that already has intrinsic meaning within the markup language (ie HTML). It's a personal preference.
Final tip of the week (thank you, Eric Meyer): while you work with alignments etc, it can help to start your .css file with a (temporary) line:
* { border: 1px dashed grey }
or other color of your choice. It'll immediately show you where your boundaries are. Just make sure you remove it before publication. :D