Individual freedoms that is.

But this is a core value thing.

Again, trading freedom for security and deserving neither. :)

Other people will value security more than individual freedoms.

These people are "idiots".

Just kidding.

That's why there hasn't been a perfect society yet. Different individuals have different core values (and weight the core values they share differently).

Do I have more of a "right" to my image than they have a "right" to their "security"?

Is there a balance between losing some of my rights and gaining some of their security?

If we step away from the emotions for a moment, you'll see that each of these decisions will result in a different society.

At which point, it is purely a matter of personal preference which society you would WANT to live in.

Which SHOULD dictate your choices in these matters.

But is anyone's preference for any specific society "right" or "wrong"?

Which moves us to theology/metaphysics and ultimate forms of "right" and "wrong".


My views are slightly different. I view societies as human constructs. Just like houses or bridges. There is no such thing as a "right" house. It doesn't even matter if they fulfill their design goals (if they were designed) or if they last. Unless you value those criteria. And, depending upon the criteria you have for that house or bridge, will depend upon how you view it ("good" house or "fix'er up'er" or "shack").