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New J2EE package recommendations needed
Well, the meeting was better than I thought. My boss's first words were "I don't think we can afford to restrict our potential customer base to Windows only." Sounds promisin. The only decision we've made is to do some research and reconvene in a week.

Does anybody have any experience with the various J2EE packages? Any pros and cons of Weblogic vs IPlanet vs JBoss, etc?


Brian Bronson
New WebLogic, WebSphere ick
Inprise (Borland) App Server is excellent, but hard to sell. Lightweight, inexpensive, fast, great admin tools.

WebLogic is expensive, bloated, slow, and buggy.

WebSphere is expensive, bloated, and hard to figure out.

Orion Server is lightweight and well-designed... inexpensive. The admin tools can be buggy. All in all we like it (it's part of Oracle 9i).

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New JBoss experience at last job...
It was pretty snazzy. Free and free. It Just Worked.

Deploying new war's was as simple as copying a file into the deploy directory. Want to undeploy the war? rm the file. Within 5 seconds (usually less), the JBoss server noticed the change and deployed/undeployed successfully.

Easier to install on *nix than on Windows, it seemed...But then, we were basically a Linux shop anyway.

What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
- Jimmy Buffett, June 20, 2002, Tinley Park
     J2EE vs .Net - Urgent help needed - (bbronson) - (8)
         The short list I gave management last year - (tseliot) - (3)
             Re: The short list I gave management last year - (bbronson) - (2)
                 Gives credence to someone's .sig - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
                     Yup, that's me - (drewk)
         Trust you checked out Andy's aax.net also (?) - (Ashton)
         J2EE package recommendations needed - (bbronson) - (2)
             WebLogic, WebSphere ick - (admin)
             JBoss experience at last job... - (Yendor)

No, I am your father.
112 ms