"The Warfare State" -
book title I recall - now lost on Google amidst a plethora of similarly titled sites, articles, etc.
As we are indeed the largest armaments supplier to the world + all recent events:
We be It.
Loved title of Gore Vidal's latest, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. I don't think we have the foggiest idea what 'peace' might be for, except seen as a negative: a great loss of income from war Corp sales, and of all those other ABM-like sources of Corp welfare at the expense of the masses.
So far there's little sign of this scam ever being seen for the scam it is (except for those who deem it not a scam but - the price of our rise to Imperial Power #1, of course).
Anyone wanna bet that above scenarios are Not already on paper, and part of a collection labelled, Pending - in gold-leaf on a leather binder?