Muppets generally model pre-teen children.
HIV *can* be contracted sexually - yes.
Also agreed.
How many HIV+ pre-teen children have contracted it that way though? Study schmudy. Your studies you two are quoting are studies about adults. Go get me a study with a sample group closely matching the Sesame Street demographic and come back here and tell me its still all about sex.
Where, oh where, did I quote any form of "study"?
Applying moral stigma to a non-sexually-transmitted-disease victim is clear and present ignorance. But apparently common.
Ignorance. Of all the people to call ignorant on the topic of AIDS, you choose me. Right. The guy who's ridden his bike (currently) over 2,800 miles in the last year and 3 months to battle the disease about which we speak. And the one who volunteers at a local AIDS charity. Uh huh. Ignorant.
I also rather clearly removed the entire concept of "context" from my reply to your message. Yes, you included it in your post, but the fact remains that your chosen title (HIV's got nothing to do with sex.) is a blatantly incorrect statement when taken out of context. And the fact also is that most people will see the title, taken out of context of your reply, before they read or see your reply.