IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New It's still there.
Some of the other machines (running Winblows) that Jason and his business partners run at the same colo facility got hacked into. As such, the business partner guy locked down the firewall. Tight. Port 23 is closed currently. I've put in a request with Jason to get it opened up. He says that's been transferred to his business partner who handles those things, but since it takes a trip to the colo facility, it could take up to a week.

It'll be back. It's still running, as a matter of fact. Uptime is 14 weeks. You just can't get in. ;-)

What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
- Jimmy Buffett, June 20, 2002, Tinley Park
New And I thought it was me...
...my ability to access IWETHEY Interactive fizzled about the same time I stuck my firewall up.
InThane - Now running Ashton rev 2.0
New More fool them for running Windows.
Pity *we* get caught in the crossfire, so to speak.

And a locked down firewall does nothing against IIS exploits (had an argument with a former employer about that). But I'm sure you already know that.


"Ah. One of the difficult questions."

     IWE Interactive... - (bepatient) - (5)
         It's dead, Jim - (ben_tilly) - (1)
             Re: It's dead, Jim - (pwhysall)
         It's still there. - (Yendor) - (2)
             And I thought it was me... - (inthane-chan)
             More fool them for running Windows. - (static)

And by "malware" he means his browsing history.
43 ms