It ain't ever gonna be a matter of, "nobody wants to do that much coding" IMO. The answer would be 42 after a few hundred centuries.
(How could anything not meta-human actually successfully create a black-box replica?)
From what tangible or theoretical 'overview' might one conduct the - especially internal - overview? No one human could even absorb something so trivial as the X-million lines of Windoze code (even if it actually did something besides moving electrons around).
Smart breadmakers, car operating robots (on Very-well controlled smart highways) yada yada.
But *never* a bartender to whom you might say 42 or even, Play it, Sam! and invoke that momentary *emotional* response of not-only deja-vu but.. the entire (holographic is Way too simplistic) distilled feeling of all one's remembered 'associations'. (or even a facsimile of, I hated that movie..)
It's such a fool's errand it fits perfectly the epithet re a student's homework, this work is so poor it's not even wrong.. (But that won't cause a tiny minority to cease pursuit of the chimera - or not dream of beating Michael Jordan and getting girls.)
Pure materialism at its most blatant level - like our current environment?
No half-dollars for Hal here..
who thinks we couldn't even 'make' a tick
though we could play one on digital Tee Vee