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New The Johnny Depp version was a lot truer to the books.
I think people forget how weird and dark Roald Dahl's writing was.

But the public prefer the somewhat more conventional Gene Wilder version. Which was brilliant in its own way, I might add.

New I think Wilder had a brighter look, but was much darker thematically
I saw something online that I completely agree with: You can't talk about why Gene Wilder's Wonka was so good without acknowledging that you really believed he was ready to let each of those kids die without a second thought.

Depp's might have been a more off-putting character, but he was more childlike, almost a version of Edward Scissorhands. He wanted to be liked, but didn't know how to people.

New That's a good comparison.
     Wonka: ***** - (drook) - (3)
         The Johnny Depp version was a lot truer to the books. - (static) - (2)
             I think Wilder had a brighter look, but was much darker thematically - (drook) - (1)
                 That's a good comparison. -NT - (static)

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