You thought Micorosoft had given up on Embrace-Extend-Extinguish?!? I really wouldn't have thought you, of all people, were that naïve.
Personally, I avoid both as best I can. Which is getting ever harder, as the large(-ish) corps I've worked for recently increasingly tend to use... Whichever one of them it is for their intranet, and the other for... Fuck knows what, centralised document storage or shared editable docs or something (as kind of a Confluence competitor?). I can't quite tell them apart -- and I'm not sure whether that's because I am conflating them, or because Micorosoft is.
Personally, I avoid both as best I can. Which is getting ever harder, as the large(-ish) corps I've worked for recently increasingly tend to use... Whichever one of them it is for their intranet, and the other for... Fuck knows what, centralised document storage or shared editable docs or something (as kind of a Confluence competitor?). I can't quite tell them apart -- and I'm not sure whether that's because I am conflating them, or because Micorosoft is.