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New Minority or not, their culture supports it

Check out the wedding singer at 5:28.

They certainly want us dead. And they want to take Ukrainian women as slave/ brides. F*** them.

The Israeli government just told them to all go to Egypt. Egypt hates them. They don't want them. At least the the people in charge. Jordan hates them too. They sure don't want the people on the west bank flowing into them.


This guy talks about setting up temporary refugee camps. Nothing temporary about it. Once they get them out they will be in horrible tents in the desert. These people are f*****. Do you want them here? Hell no.

And every day we'll see s*** like this until they are wiped off the face of the earth.


Actually, majority support them:

"A noteworthy survey from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) unveiled that 58% in Gaza and 42% in the West Bank favor Hamas"

Collapse Edited by crazy Oct. 10, 2023, 03:17:27 AM EDT
Minority or not, their culture supports it

Check out the wedding singer at 5:28.

They certainly want us dead.

The Israeli government just told them to all go to Egypt. Egypt hates them. They don't want them. At least the the people in charge. Jordan hates them too. They sure don't want the people on the west bank flowing into them.


This guy talks about setting up temporary refugee camps. Nothing temporary about it. Once they get them out they will be in horrible tents in the desert. These people are f*****.
Collapse Edited by crazy Oct. 10, 2023, 11:31:07 AM EDT
Minority or not, their culture supports it

Check out the wedding singer at 5:28.

They certainly want us dead. And they want to take Ukrainian women as slave/ brides. F*** them.

The Israeli government just told them to all go to Egypt. Egypt hates them. They don't want them. At least the the people in charge. Jordan hates them too. They sure don't want the people on the west bank flowing into them.


This guy talks about setting up temporary refugee camps. Nothing temporary about it. Once they get them out they will be in horrible tents in the desert. These people are f*****. Do you want them here? Hell no.
Collapse Edited by crazy Oct. 10, 2023, 03:54:03 PM EDT
Minority or not, their culture supports it

Check out the wedding singer at 5:28.

They certainly want us dead. And they want to take Ukrainian women as slave/ brides. F*** them.

The Israeli government just told them to all go to Egypt. Egypt hates them. They don't want them. At least the the people in charge. Jordan hates them too. They sure don't want the people on the west bank flowing into them.


This guy talks about setting up temporary refugee camps. Nothing temporary about it. Once they get them out they will be in horrible tents in the desert. These people are f*****. Do you want them here? Hell no.

And every day we'll see s*** like this until they are wiped off the face of the earth.

     Israel and Hamas - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
         I sure agree with your thoughts. - (a6l6e6x) - (4)
             There has to be a safety zone - (crazy) - (3)
                 As you say, a DMZ won't work. - (Another Scott)
                 Agree, their behavior cannot be excused. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     Minority or not, their culture supports it - (crazy)

Every 3-4 episodes they would finally attack each other and some stupid aerial melee would begin with missed attacks inevitably shattering backdrops while direct hits only propelled the enemy into backdrops for shattering.
138 ms