IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New The copied voices are ok
But if you know the person's voice well, or if you listen to them side by side, the difference is obvious.

I'm not saying that won't fool a lot of people, just that it can be detected at this point.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New It's already effectively passing the Turing test
Tell someone, "Listen closely to this and tell me if it's a person or synthesized," and you'll probably get a bunch who can tell ... as well as a bunch of false positives on the real people.

But play it without prompting them to expect it and I think it's very unlikely anyone would notice. At least for non-dramatic reading of straight information.

New As I said, it will fool a lot of people
There are companies like play.ht that can do similar things, and in multiple languages.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Not Welsh, I'll bet :-D

New You'd lose that bet.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Well that's incomprehensible
But then, it's a different language.

     An alarmist take on the state of the art - (rcareaga) - (16)
         Make the next few years good ones. - (malraux) - (15)
             Yeah, it doesn't have to be excellent to scam people. - (Another Scott) - (9)
                 Training is cheap now too. - (malraux)
                 Samsung beat them to that punch... - (scoenye)
                 It's already useful - (drook) - (6)
                     The copied voices are ok - (malraux) - (5)
                         It's already effectively passing the Turing test - (drook) - (4)
                             As I said, it will fool a lot of people - (malraux) - (3)
                                 Not Welsh, I'll bet :-D -NT - (drook) - (2)
                                     You'd lose that bet. - (malraux) - (1)
                                         Well that's incomprehensible - (drook)
             language tokens &c - (rcareaga) - (4)
                 Oh, they don't need thought or planning to be dangerous. - (malraux) - (3)
                     best description of ITIL I have seen yet - (boxley) - (2)
                         😂 -NT - (malraux)
                         Then ISO 9000 to thoroughly document the impersonation -NT - (drook)

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