This is not rent. This is payment for services. Go get your own police force. Go pay for a piece of the water company so you can have some water. Same thing with all utilities. There is a huge amount of infrastructure in place to allow anybody to live anywhere unless they are isolated off the grid. Not using any roads. Not using any services. Those people have a reason a b****. The rest of us don't.
Right now it is a big deal around here. When someone wants to extend the neighborhood onto their supposed private land, it's multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars to put in a sewer (sometimes you can do septic, sometimes you can't, and septic can run $50,000 here), a water line, to attach to the electrical system, etc, etc, etc. They have to pay for an actual paved street rather than gravel because the gravel will crush the underlying infrastructure. They have to pay for their own snow removal. They are pissed. Either they pay half a million dollars for what might be considered a $150,000 house or the local neighborhood gets their taxes raised to pay for that bit of infrastructure to attach that house.