Post #441,628
6/3/22 4:49:34 AM
6/3/22 4:49:34 AM

I get a lot of miles out of tyres.
20K is not unusual. I've got Bridgestone Turanzas on at the moment.
What's the law on tread depth in your state? 1.6mm is the legal minimum here, but I generally replace at 3mm or less.
Post #441,629
6/3/22 9:18:08 AM
6/3/22 9:18:08 AM

tires here have markers in the treads, as long s they are not worn the tires are safe.
I get around 40k miles on a set of tires but that is over a short period of time.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #441,631
6/3/22 10:53:44 AM
6/3/22 10:53:44 AM

We have tread wear markers too.
But if you reach the wear marker, you're at 1.6mm, and you're at the legal minimum.
Post #441,632
6/3/22 3:47:32 PM
6/3/22 3:47:32 PM

Clueless about the limit, I'd be googling just like you.
I have a few methods of determining if it is time to replace. Number one if I notice the woppity woppity noise when the indicator gets worn to. Number two if I skid out. Simple as that. If I hit a skid then I need better tires because they're not matching my driving condition and style. Since this so very rarely happens, I'm pointing fingers at the tires. So then I go get new tires. Number three is simply when I buy a new used car. I don't trust those tires. I want the Michelin cross-countries. I go get the new tires.
Post #441,635
6/4/22 7:15:13 AM
6/4/22 7:15:13 AM

"Googling just like me"?
Nah, I just know this stuff, because it's important.
Post #441,636
6/4/22 4:33:26 PM
6/4/22 4:33:26 PM

Really, you know the USDOT regulations concerning this?
Post #441,637
6/4/22 5:58:27 PM
6/4/22 5:58:27 PM

he dsigned traffic lights for a living and stayed in a holiday inn express once
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #441,639
6/5/22 6:41:49 AM
6/5/22 6:41:49 AM

Post #441,638
6/5/22 6:41:05 AM
6/5/22 6:41:05 AM

I was talking about the UK legal minimum.
Post #441,640
6/5/22 4:03:23 PM
6/5/22 4:03:23 PM

AFAIK, there are no USDOT regs for non-commercial vehicles.
It is up to each State to set the minimum depth. Most use 2/32 (aka. 1.6 mm), CA and ID use 1/32, some set no limit.