Post #441,475
5/12/22 10:48:56 AM
5/12/22 10:48:56 AM
Day 5 of SARS-Cov2
Son #2 brought it back from college last weekend, the whelp.
No fever the entire time for me, slightly scratchy throat. But each day I've been progressively more tired. Today getting attacked by naps seems likely.
La femme has had it worse than me: 4 degree temp, horrible sinus pain (DayQuil to the rescue, that stuff was gold for her), and very tired. Her fever seems to have subsided so I'm hoping she's turned the corner.
And the whelp? He's been playing video games and coughing, sum total.
The best news is that BA.4 and BA.5 apparently don't care if you've just had BA.2, and will definitely invite themselves over for dinner regardless. So we've got that to look forward to.
Infections are starting to quickly ramp up here, probably due to the whole "OPEN UP TEH COMMERCE" attitude that swept the country in March. Here we go again.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #441,476
5/12/22 11:28:45 AM
5/12/22 11:28:45 AM
We're doing well here.
Neither myself or the wife have gotten any COVID variants; the sprog seems to be recovering nicely. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm one of those hyperimmune people that can't catch COVID. Not going to test that theory, mind you - just going to keep dodging COVID like Neo dodging bullets.
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #441,477
5/12/22 12:16:48 PM
5/12/22 12:16:48 PM
I'm wondering if I've got long COVID, or if I'm just becoming an old man
I find myself coughing several times a day. Nothing significant, I just feel a little phlegm in the upper chest. A couple seconds of loud Old Man Cough always knocks it loose, but other people don't do this every few hours like I seem to.
Post #441,482
5/12/22 11:48:42 PM
5/12/22 11:48:42 PM
Porque no los dos?
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #441,488
5/14/22 1:06:22 PM
5/14/22 1:06:22 PM
Thanks for posting that...
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #441,478
5/12/22 12:50:10 PM
5/12/22 12:50:10 PM
My boss and SIL had it a few months ago.
It was about a week of coughing for them. (Both had mNRA vaccines, SIL no booster (she thinks she had a reaction to the 2nd one and is nervous about a booster), boss was boostered.) I don't want it - nope, nope. I got the flu in Nara, Japan in May 2019. COVID isn't the flu, but it took me about 3 weeks to get fully over that. Don't want to risk anything else if I can help it and I don't mind masks at all. Cases are going up at work (in DC). I've been keeping an eye on quasi-local wastewater data - - there's still a lot of virus out there. Here's hoping hospitalizations and deaths stay low, but they've been creeping up and the virus will find the vulnerable... :-( Good luck! Stay safe! Cheers, Scott.
Post #441,480
5/12/22 3:45:20 PM
5/12/22 3:45:20 PM
I do wear a mask in public places. I tell people I wear the mask so I won't be mistaken for a Republican.
Post #441,481
5/12/22 7:04:09 PM
5/12/22 7:04:09 PM
:-) Excellent.
Post #441,483
5/12/22 11:49:29 PM
5/12/22 11:49:29 PM
I just pull it down...
...and say, "Oh good, somebody who doesn't mind that I've got a positive test!"
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #441,479
5/12/22 3:21:00 PM
5/12/22 3:21:00 PM
went to GA to visit the grangirls took the granboys with
got there renting a house for the week. grangirls show up 4 and 2yo both hacking and wheezing. Boys 5yo and 3 quickly joined in the hacking and puking. Stayed inside the rental all week just going out for groceries. No one in GA wears masks or social distances at all. Saturday took them to a powwow as they were feeling better. On my way back to Mississippi my throat starting feeling scratchy by evening full bore hacking my lungs out. Did a rapid covid test Monday, negative. Feels like a rhinovirus. I dont go anywhere without a mask and keep away from people, spouse same.
Drew get an annually chest xray if your plan warrants it to make sure no odd growths in there (cant remember how old you are but a good idea after age 50.)
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #441,484
5/13/22 12:49:58 AM
5/13/22 12:49:58 AM
That's not a bad idea, will check the coverage
Post #441,486
5/13/22 9:19:43 PM
5/13/22 9:19:43 PM
big bidness doins at work on site required
lotta dc folks came down all the big bosses about 30 people all told. I was gagging and coughing so was excused. 3 covid positives from attendees since thursday. meetings again next week. If I go I will be double masked.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #441,487
5/14/22 12:27:00 AM
5/14/22 12:27:00 AM
Be careful. Good luck!
Post #441,485
5/13/22 1:00:07 AM
5/13/22 1:00:07 AM
Get well soon, all y'all sick-ass mofos.
Post #441,507
5/19/22 7:07:10 PM
5/19/22 7:24:43 PM
Our local hotspot
Our grandson was born in December. He tested positive within days of his birth. As both parents work, he's in daycare. Last week, there was some coughing. Jr tested positive again. By now, their entire household has lit up.
So far for this thing not touching children and, if they get it, not spreading it the adults in the room. I guess that was also many variants ago...
[Edit: the 8-yo daughter caught the brunt of it. 103 fever, runs + puking her brains out]
Edited by scoenye
May 19, 2022, 07:24:43 PM EDT
Post #441,509
5/19/22 7:38:18 PM
5/19/22 7:38:18 PM
I always saw that as a myth of wishful thinking
To support the desire to keep schools open and mask-free. Never made sense to me since obviously they could catch it and pass it around, because they were.
Sorry to hear that about your family. I hope the daughter recovers quickly.
I also hope we don't see another epidemic of hidden knock-on health problems with kids in 10, 20, 30 years. :-/
Lots of people have it in our circle of acquaintances now. 4 co-workers, a few co-worker spouses or SOs, a nephew, a friend of the family for the 4th time I believe - she has a kook for a doctor who convinced her that the vaccine would be bad for her and that Ivermectin would help. Her son too is on his 2nd go-around; he is of age and got the J&J but no boosters as I recall.
I'm still feeling the effects: tired and fatigued at random times for no apparent reason. My wife's cough came back as well. Tomorrow is 14 days since our exposure.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #441,512
5/20/22 9:42:00 AM
5/20/22 9:42:00 AM
I've been very lucky.
The wife got it in January, I didn't get it.
The daughter got it two weeks ago, I didn't get it.
Keeping my fingers crossed and KN95 on. :P
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #441,513
5/20/22 9:58:15 AM
5/20/22 9:58:15 AM
Might not be luck.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #441,515
5/20/22 7:53:11 PM
5/20/22 7:53:11 PM
I've considered that possibility.
Still not going to poke the fate bear - masks on in the grocery store, avoiding large groups of people, etc.
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #441,516
5/21/22 11:21:10 AM
5/21/22 11:21:10 AM
Oh of course.
It's all down to percentages regardless. Anything that reduces the initial viral load is helpful, and hopefully natural immunity + additive %s is as close to 100% as possible.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.