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New That used to be the LaserJet description
Then they fucked up the software, then the toner business model, then I stopped caring.

New I think the LaserJet 5 was the start of the decline.
The 2, the 3 and the 4 were all hugely reliable. After the 5 the marketing people got more control.

New Decline started to set in . . .
as HP learned they had to compete on price, which they weren't that good at.

HP used Canon engines with an agreement that Canon would not make an HP compatible printer. HP developed an almost total monopoly on laser printers. All others were avoided by buyers because of need for special drivers, etc. for Canon printers in paticular.

Canon came out with a new high resolution engine and demonstrated it to HP. They said, "We will supply this engine to you provided you release us from the no compatible clause - otherwise, you can't have it at all".

The "HP Only" aura started to fade, and by the LJ 5 the playing field was almost level.
New 3 was a tank, 4 was a *fast* tank, 5 was an integrated weapons platform

     Laser printers are ridiculous. - (Another Scott) - (8)
         I have a Xerox Phaser 6510 - (Andrew Grygus) - (6)
             We had Phasers at work for a while. - (Another Scott) - (5)
                 Brother. - (InThane) - (4)
                     That used to be the LaserJet description - (drook) - (3)
                         I think the LaserJet 5 was the start of the decline. - (static) - (2)
                             Decline started to set in . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
                             3 was a tank, 4 was a *fast* tank, 5 was an integrated weapons platform -NT - (drook)
         I have a cheapo Samsung B&W laser - (pwhysall)

Eins, zwei, drei, vier.
68 ms