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New I actually bought some pork belly a while ago
I wanted to try one of the British oven recipes but it takes 2 days of prep with real work so I said screw that and made perfect lamb ribs that were 5 minutes of prep and 3 minutes of frying and I put the pork belly aside.

A couple days later I chopped up and fried up one of the segments with some salt and pepper and enjoyed it but it's nothing like a real pork belly recipe. Threw out the rest. It went bad.

I had bought a very large chamber vacuum sealer. The kind you drop the top down on and it creates a real vacuum. Or close enough. Water will boil away at room temperature at the final moment. The kind I can put nine half pint jars in standing up. The kind you can do full bags of liquid.

I bought a whole bunch of meat in anticipation of splitting it out and bagging it.

Regular vacuum sealers suck. Even the best of them. I don't mean suck the air out, I mean they perform poorly compared to what you could get. The bags are patented with channels that allow the air to come out. That means they are very expensive. And while you can buy pre-made bags they are even more expensive and making bags is a pain in the ass from the rolls.

This vacuum sealer takes pre-made bags that are 1/10 the cost of the other vacuum sealer.

It was a floor model at Costco. The bag of documentation and pneumatic pump oil were stored together and the pump oil spilled into the documentation.

I bought more pump oil somewhere else and got it home and broke my back lifting it up the steps. I bought a steel rolling cart just for it. I will never lift this thing again.

It takes 45 seconds from start to finish to use it. Between making bags and the effort of using the previous vacuum sealer it took about 10 minutes per bag.

Then I realized there is no way I was pouring someone else's oil into this thing until tech support told me it was okay. Which meant I had to wait a couple of days. Then I hit East Coast versus West Coast timing issues. So then I had to wait another day.

4 days later tech support says put it in, it's fine, I tested it out, it's incredible. But I have no bags because the oil spilled in them and they are on order. I make a few bags from my current rolls but I hate making bags so I ignore it for everything except the lamb.

At that point I decide I'll make a whole bunch of bags and package up all the meat but of course the meat is bad by then. I'll get my bags in a day or two and try again.

I dislike ginger so I won't be doing this one, and it's way too much work anyway.
Collapse Edited by crazy Feb. 7, 2022, 10:53:36 AM EST
I actually bought a pork belly a while ago
I wanted to try one of the British oven recipes but it takes 2 days of prep with real work so I said screw that and made perfect lamb ribs that were 5 minutes of prep and 3 minutes of frying and I put the pork belly aside.

A couple days later I chopped up and fried up one of the segments with some salt and pepper and enjoyed it but it's nothing like a real pork belly recipe. Threw out the rest. It went bad.

I had bought a very large chamber vacuum sealer. The kind you drop the top down on and it creates a real vacuum. Or close enough. Water will boil away at room temperature at the final moment. The kind I can put nine half pint jars in standing up. So I bought a whole bunch of meat in anticipation of splitting it out and bagging it.

Regular vacuum sealers suck. Even the best of them. I don't mean suck the air out, I mean they perform poorly compared to what you could get. The bags are patented with channels that allow the air to come out. That means they are very expensive. And while you can buy pre-made bags they are even more expensive and making bags is a pain in the ass from the rolls.

This vacuum sealer takes pre-made bags that are 1/10 the cost of the other vacuum sealer.

It was a floor model at Costco. The bag of documentation and pneumatic pump oil were stored together and the pump oil spilled into the documentation.

So I bought more pump oil somewhere else and got it home and broke my back lifting it up the steps and then realized there is no way I was pouring someone else's oil into this thing until tech support told me it was okay. Which meant I had to wait a couple of days. Then I hit East Coast versus West Coast timing issues. So then I have to wait another day.

So 4 days later tech support says put it in, it's fine, I tested out, it's incredible. But I have no bags because the oil spilled in them and they are on order. So I make a few bags from my current rolls but I hate making bags so I ignore it for everything except the lamb.

At that point I decide I'll make a whole bunch of bags and package up all the meat but of course the meat is bad by then. I'll get my bags in a day or two and try again.

I dislike ginger so I won't be doing this one, and it's way too much work anyway.
New I have an industrial bag sealer.
It's probably been the same since WWI. After 40 years, the temperature controller stopped working. The replacement was exactly the same, and they'll probably be selling the same model 40 years from now.

I could rig for vacuum, but I'd need a new vacuum pump, the one in the crawl space doesn't start any more, but I've never felt a pressing need for vacuum. I don't store large amounts of anything, and cooked stuff bagged with most of the air squeezed out is good for a couple weeks in the fridge. That's all I need.

Bag Sealer
New Thanks for reminding me
I wanted to get an impulse sealer a while back. It certainly has its uses beyond my vacuum sealer here. I just ordered it.
     Lamb ribs - (crazy) - (5)
         Well, that watered my mouth! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         Or, how about some nice Pork Belly Chashu - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
             I actually bought some pork belly a while ago - (crazy) - (2)
                 I have an industrial bag sealer. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                     Thanks for reminding me - (crazy)

38 ms