That’s according to studies in Germany and Israel.
If it’s within a quarter mile, cancer risk triples.
That’s according to studies in Germany and Israel. Alex "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov |
Citation, please. That sounds like a nonsense study to me. Thanks.
These are about the cell phone towers. Here's a link.
Cell Phone Towers. What Distance is Safe to Live? Go down to "German Research on Cell Tower Safety" and "Israeli Mobile Phone Tower Research" sections. Alex "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov |
She's selling stuff and telling people who ask her questions that it's "up to you". The studies cited are very small, over 10 years and nearly impossible to control for confounding factors over that timeframe. It's woo, IMHO. Thanks. Cheers, Scott. |
She's selling stuff.
At the bottom of that page is this affiliate link: And I can, one hundred percent, guaran-fuck-ing-tee that all that device does is transfer $49.99 plus shipping out of your bank account. An admittedly cursory check for citations of the German paper (which is 18 years old at this point) shows it turning exclusively on woo-peddling sites like this:,was%20three%20times%20as%20high.%20%28See%20Studies%20Below%29 Note the Gish Gallop of seemingly authoritative papers etc. There's nothing on about it. You'd think there'd be a systematic study available by now. The American Cancer society is less breathless about it: So far, not many studies in people have focused specifically on cellular phone towers and cancer risk, and the results of these studies have not provided clear answers. The UK is a densely-populated country and the majority of our cellular infrastructure is where the people are. If there was anything to either the German or Israeli papers, we should be seeing obvious clusters of additional cancers around the many, many cellular towers located in residential areas. If these clusters exist, no-one's talking about them. At all. |
Re: "no-one's talking about them. At all."
Sure proof that it's being suppressed! Otherwise, where are all the wild, unfounded claims? Think, man! -- Drew |
Oh shit. Am I...
...sheeple? |
Flawed studies. Critiques of both of those studies and others are included. tl;dr: Insufficient sample sizes, statistically insignificant findings, cherry-picking of data, and absurd conclusions (eg. a cell tower in service for only one year caused cancers with typical gestations of several years). Each study looked only at a single tower, and as the WHO says: "Over 1.4 million base stations exist worldwide and the number is increasing significantly with the introduction of third generation technology.....Given the widespread presence of base stations in the environment, it is expected that possible cancer clusters will occur near base stations merely by chance." More details and other studies on the same site. Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson. |
What gets me about these studies on claimed causation is that it's really really hard to do them well and there's usually no evidence that they tried to do them well. E.g. 1) Every real distribution has weird outliers out at 4, 5, 6 sigma. Just from the random nature of life and from the fact that a study cannot control every single variable. 2) Things that are known carcinogens or disease causing agents - radon, lead in the air and the ground and the water, stuff picked up in food, viruses, genetic factors, etc. - are extremely difficult to control for. But they are much much more likely to cause these "clusters of cancers" than the tiny amount of scary "EMF" coming from radios and towers. 3) What is the physical, chemical, and biological basis for these claimed increased cancers? The radiated power and energy density is too low to cause these scary effects based on what we know about how the world actually works. What do experts who dedicate their lives to these fields say, as opposed to people outside the fields who are selling stuff on a blog? 4) Why are these scary claims never "marked to market"? I'm old enough to remember that everyone was going to get brain cancer from their cell phones. What happened there?? (Part of it is that digital cell phones are much more sensitive now so they don't need to broadcast as much power as in the analog days. But if there were an actual danger, we would still expect to see huge numbers of case of cell-phone-caused brain cancer because over half of the planet is using them now...) Etc. Thanks. Cheers, Scott. |
On the one hand ...
It's possible that increased incidence of cancer is masked by increased mortality due to other unrelated factors. On the other hand, that suggests that maybe we should work on those factors first. Oh the other other hand ... unless we're building infrastructure that has cumulative effects that we won't recognize until it's too difficult / expensive to swap it out for something else. -- Drew |
I'm glad you found something so specific.
Alex "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov |
Re: If it’s within a quarter mile, cancer risk triples. That's for phones, which are a lot closer to your head than a quarter of a mile. Also, here in the UK, we'd have noticed; we have a lot of cell towers in populated areas. |