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New Yeah, will probably break down and get a Chromecast at some point
I've just been holding out hope that *someone* will use all these open protocols and just connect the shit already.

Oh, and I'm not talking about pulling up a YouTube video and throwing it to the TV. I can do that, but it's just pushing a link to the YouTube app on the TV. I'm talking about mirroring the output of apps that don't have an app on the TV.

New It's tales like this...
...that make me happy that I've gone down the "provide TV services via the Xbox" route.
New Desktop mirroring is built in
It confused me a bit at first. But then I found the simple menu option in the Chrome browser that mirrored the entire desktop.

There is a bit of lag. I would not suggest doing this for highly interactive editing. But random scroll around and read stuff, it's great.
New And the concept of breaking down for a $35 device is just crazy
Not my kind of crazy though. It's a $35 device. Give it a shot and find out that it solves a whole bunch of problems and be happy rather than sad.

I discovered the Chromecast when I rented an Airbnb when I moved to Colorado. It was simply part of the move-in instructions on how to access the TV and it simply worked and it was nice. As soon as I had my own internet space I bought one. Since that point, 4 years now, I've come to appreciate this tiny little device that cost almost nothing compared to every previous solution I ever tried.
Expand Edited by crazy Dec. 15, 2021, 08:40:03 PM EST
New I get hung up on weird things
Right now it's, "I shouldn't have to do this. The hardware is already there, just let me use it."

Then there's the cheap-ass problem that I'd need one for each of 3 TVs.

     Lenovo Chromebook and HP 4100 printer scanner - (crazy) - (9)
         Some of the setup has finally gotten easier - (drook) - (8)
             +1 I hate the Blue Box. - (Another Scott) - (7)
                 My issue isn't with sites blocking it - (drook) - (6)
                     On the other hand it works fine with my Chromecast that I already had - (crazy) - (5)
                         Yeah, will probably break down and get a Chromecast at some point - (drook) - (4)
                             It's tales like this... - (pwhysall)
                             Desktop mirroring is built in - (crazy)
                             And the concept of breaking down for a $35 device is just crazy - (crazy) - (1)
                                 I get hung up on weird things - (drook)

An easy subject, at which very few excel!
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