Any one of the jokes you post might be worth a chuckle, or might not land with some people. But look at the trend of what you post.
Can you point to anything that the punch line doesn't depend on "women are stupid / emotional / somehow-not-good" or, occasionally, "all people suck"?
Because any topic can be funny with a fresh / unexpected take on it. "Ha ha, women dumb" isn't fresh and, for you, not unexpected.
If you really think that's not you, why does that seem to be the extent of what you find funny enough to share?
Can you point to anything that the punch line doesn't depend on "women are stupid / emotional / somehow-not-good" or, occasionally, "all people suck"?
Because any topic can be funny with a fresh / unexpected take on it. "Ha ha, women dumb" isn't fresh and, for you, not unexpected.
If you really think that's not you, why does that seem to be the extent of what you find funny enough to share?