I've got my will up to date & my body is to be mulched.
Earthquake preparation is already complete.
I've got my will up to date & my body is to be mulched. Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam. |
If you sign an organ donor card, when you die you drop loot
-- Drew |
I doubt they'll want my organs after I've been rotting for a week or two, but I've signed one.
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam. |
The good thing about earthquakes . . .
. . and I've been through a few pretty big ones, is that you know within seconds if you're dead or still have to pay your bills. There's no worrying and dreadful suspense. |
Unless an elevated freeway pancakes your car and you spend 3 days waiting for help
-- Drew |
Re: Unless an elevated freeway pancakes your car
Around here, when a freeway pancakes a car (very rarely), there is no waiting. I know of only one case, a pickup truck. A guy who hadn't missed a day of work in 10 years was sick and decided not to go to work. He was supposed to be in that pickup truck. Of course, if he was, the timing would have been different and the truck would not have been flattened. |
You can get advance warnings now.
https://blog.google/products/android/earthquake-detection-and-alerts/ https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/28/22407676/google-expands-android-earthquake-detection-system 10+s warning has happened, depending on how close it is (of course). Plenty of time for suspense to build! :-) Cheers, Scott. |