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New I'm not talking about the raw ones though for me
I had a raw clam once. Once was enough. Oysters are close enough that I won't be trying that.

I doubt the water here is warm enough for that particular disease but I'm not taking any chances. On the other hand I do eat sushi so I am a being hypocritical on this.

On the other other hand, correctly battered and fried oysters are mind-boggling. And they keep in the fridge well for a couple of days and then air fry nicely. I will find if I can freeze them and if so do some serious batches when I do harvest.

Same plans with my sous vide machine. It should show up tonight and I will start experimenting, along with the vacuum sealer. I'd like to sous vide large batches of meat and then freeze it. So I'll see how well it defrosts, quickly pan fries and serves.

The goal is to build up a freezer full of quick and easy protein that will last a long winter. I like the isolation but the drive to the supermarket is very far so I will wait for a sale and buy bulk.

Anybody in Washington/Oregon area want to split a cow with me?
New Sushi is different as I understand it.
The fish must be frozen first to a point that all of the parasites are killed. Frozen oysters are not suitable for raw consumption and must be cooked afterwards.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New freezing would change the texture to paste after thawing
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New I seem to recall -40 is the magic number to kill the nematodes
I had a freezer that did minus 30 and was annoyed I could not make my own sushi.
     Oysters. My new favorite food. - (crazy) - (14)
         Andrew and otheers can chime in but fried oysters are not eaasy to get right - (boxley) - (12)
             Can't chime in . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (9)
                 Ah, raw oysters - (pwhysall)
                 Yeah, nope. - (malraux) - (7)
                     Whew, thanks! I've always thought, with the way... - (CRConrad) - (6)
                         Plus, boogers, etc. -NT - (malraux) - (1)
                             Yeah, that's why it was more of a "gotta" than a "get to". -NT - (CRConrad)
                         I'm not talking about the raw ones though for me - (crazy) - (3)
                             Sushi is different as I understand it. - (malraux) - (2)
                                 freezing would change the texture to paste after thawing -NT - (boxley)
                                 I seem to recall -40 is the magic number to kill the nematodes - (crazy)
             I've only had oysters once. - (Another Scott)
             I'd love to learn - (crazy)
         A bar when I was in college did oyster shooters - (drook)

All your very long procedures are now belong to us.
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