The Right attacks her for being too Left (and for being a woman who knows she's above a life of barefoot pregnancy in the kitchen). I attack her for things like helping the garment industry in Haiti block the establishment of trade unions, her support for just about any old war, her (and her husband's) all too cozy relationship with Wall Street, her remarkable belief that repealing Glass-Steagall was a good idea, her antipathy toward offering US kids today the very same privilege that she and I both had - tuition free junior college (can't tax her fellow oligarchs to pay for that or any other social program donchaknow), etc. In short, the Right criticizes her for being a Socialist. I criticize her for being nowhere near Left, let alone a Socialist.
The GroupThink that has emerged among some here is that she lost to the deranged orangutan through no fault of her own. If anyone other than she is to blame for her loss, a reasonable candidate would be Bernie. He ran on a rather standard Democratic candidate's platform and was attacked vociferously for doing so. He offered a glimpse of what Democratic Party principles used to be before her husband sold the soul of the Democratic Party to Wall Street donors.
The GroupThink that has emerged among some here is that she lost to the deranged orangutan through no fault of her own. If anyone other than she is to blame for her loss, a reasonable candidate would be Bernie. He ran on a rather standard Democratic candidate's platform and was attacked vociferously for doing so. He offered a glimpse of what Democratic Party principles used to be before her husband sold the soul of the Democratic Party to Wall Street donors.