Line of data shows up into buffer. Map those points to pins that you're going to slam. Slam the pins. This is a simple bitmap manipulation. Move to next line. That is the simplest s*** in the world. Nothing impressive about it. I could code that in 20 minutes.
Compare that to having to figure out where those spinning band characters are versus what you are attempting to print and hit the hammers at the exact moment individually while those particular characters are spinning by. That s***'s mind-boggling. I'd have to take into account synchronization with the band. Then I'd have to know when a character was flying by at the micro second level. I'd have to take into account stepper motor timing. Oh, by the way, there were multiple bands. We had to change out the bands if we wanted different character sets.
Also, did you see the tape on the right hand side in that video? That is form layout control. There were series of signals you had to throw to the printer so it would go to a particular position on a form and those forms were controlled by those paper tapes. Paper tapes break easy.
Compare that to having to figure out where those spinning band characters are versus what you are attempting to print and hit the hammers at the exact moment individually while those particular characters are spinning by. That s***'s mind-boggling. I'd have to take into account synchronization with the band. Then I'd have to know when a character was flying by at the micro second level. I'd have to take into account stepper motor timing. Oh, by the way, there were multiple bands. We had to change out the bands if we wanted different character sets.
Also, did you see the tape on the right hand side in that video? That is form layout control. There were series of signals you had to throw to the printer so it would go to a particular position on a form and those forms were controlled by those paper tapes. Paper tapes break easy.