(Liked this guy's patter--it's informative on several levels--immediately.
Yup.. things re Intro-to-Geo-Boole ..have advanced quite a lot since er, Sinclair
(And Otrona /CPM--the Expen$ive 18# 'portative' with the 5" green-screen with full 80 characters).
..unlike the scroll-screen sewing-machine-heft of the Osborne1*
(They who committed seppuku by pre-announcing a Model Two! {Duh}.
* Lee Felsenstein was a fun-guy (designer of that package) ..talked to him when he wanted some Tweak™
I was peddling: the magick 'contact cleaner' which really worked--told him the small bottle was on-the-house
and thanked him for the brilliance of the (moi's) first purchase in this Time-sink field.
(Had I one such) I might create a motion-sensor input + Raccoon-recognition kluge: to LOUDLY play a Mountain Lion screech. And other such vital things we never ... did ... complete.
A whole damn computer in a colorful box. Have fun.
Yup.. things re Intro-to-Geo-Boole ..have advanced quite a lot since er, Sinclair
(And Otrona /CPM--the Expen$ive 18# 'portative' with the 5" green-screen with full 80 characters).
..unlike the scroll-screen sewing-machine-heft of the Osborne1*
(They who committed seppuku by pre-announcing a Model Two! {Duh}.
* Lee Felsenstein was a fun-guy (designer of that package) ..talked to him when he wanted some Tweak™
I was peddling: the magick 'contact cleaner' which really worked--told him the small bottle was on-the-house
and thanked him for the brilliance of the (moi's) first purchase in this Time-sink field.
(Had I one such) I might create a motion-sensor input + Raccoon-recognition kluge: to LOUDLY play a Mountain Lion screech. And other such vital things we never ... did ... complete.
A whole damn computer in a colorful box. Have fun.